Chapter 21: Shokuhou Misaki

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"Misaka down three people! Will Tokiwadai make a comeback with the remaining time...?!" 

the announcer's voice echoed across the arena as the Balloon Hunter event continued, generating excitement among the spectators. Among them was a lady with a noble aura and long blond hair, her eyes fixed on one of the building's viewing screens.


Misaka found herself back on the field, strategizing her next move. She was now the sole remaining member of the Red Team, and only a few minutes remained for her to take on more than half of the Blue Team alone if she wanted her team to win. 

"It's strange, says Misaka as she goes down the road..."

As she moved cautiously down the road, her eyes fixated on a girl from the Blue Team who was running away from her. It was the fourth time she had been following someone from the opposing team, and each one seemed to lead her somewhere specific.

"A Trap?!"

Her realization came too late as her gaze instinctively was drawn by the sound of a clash, a ball striking a garden's light pole. In the next moment, she found herself under attack, facing what appeared to be the entire Blue Team closing in on her from the other side.

The Blue Team's plan was simple: by merely holding the ball in their hand, they could seal off her electricity. This was due to the rule of "breaking the balloons with the designated balls." It was permissible to hold the ball and break the balloon in this manner. If Misaka Mikoto attempted to use her abilities against the ball to release electricity, it would be considered an attack on her opponents and result in her disqualification.

Usually, there was a weak electrical field around Misaka Mikoto, which, when she concentrated on it, could be used as a radar. This made it nearly impossible for anyone to get close to her, especially considering even small electrical appliances. However, in this situation where the rules sealed her ability and her attention was focused on the balls, things were not looking good.

The whole setup seemed to be orchestrated by a simple, fat guy with a creepy smile.

"If you can't use your abilities, then you're in the same situation as us!" 

One of the Blue Team members shouted loudly as he launched an attack, Which Misaka dodged with ease while mumbling something to herself.

"1... 3... 7..."

"Got... cha...! Huh?"

Another guy tried to sneak up on her from behind, but Misaka once again dodged to the side, this time saying her thoughts out loud loudly enough for them to hear.

"14... one's not here... Thanks for being stupid and coming for your dooms, says Misaka gratefully"

Taking the balloons of each comparative of the blue team, Misaka seems to have the upper hand even though she was surrounded by 14 members of the blue team

"OOOOH!? This is amazing! Misaka keeps dodging the hands of innumerable foes!!" the announcer's voice boomed across the arena, amplifying the already electrifying atmosphere.

"Everyone, reduce the distance! If we take away the space she can dodge to... AH!?"

The sentence was abruptly cut off as the balloon on his head popped.

"Seven people and with 53 seconds left, Misaka can...??"

Everything seemed to be under Misaka's control until, for some inexplicable reason, she came to a sudden halt, turning around to face seemingly nothing. This left her back exposed, and a girl from the opposing team took advantage of the opportunity to puncture her balloon.

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