Chapter 15: A certain number 4

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"Hey Hey, are you alive, are you okay, says misaka as Misaka worried about her sister aka the white version"

Pressing on a certain girl's cheeks on the hospital bed, Last Order was lying at the edge of the bed, her legs swinging a few centimeters off the ground.

Lying on the bed With her long white hair spreading all over the bed, Misaka#10000's gaze was toward the white ceiling. She was in a moment of loss, her mind feeling disconnected from the world.

( is not so good...)

The area she was in was not off-limits, but people almost never came there because of how far away it was from the routes leading to the exits. In the hospital, it was known as the clinical research area, but warm sunbeams came in through the window despite that over-the-top name.

Shifting her gaze downward, she could see four girls sitting on the solid ground, each holding a controller as they played a video game on the room's TV - Super Mario Galaxi 2.

All four of them had shoulder-length brown hair and skin so white it almost looked transparent. They all had the exact same silhouette and their eyes were the same in every way from the shape and color to the iris and retina. Despite the season, they all wore the Tokiwadai Middle School summer uniform: gray pleated skirt, short-sleeve white blouse, and sleeveless summer sweater.

They went by many different names.

The Sisters.

Radio Noise.

Mass-produced military models of a Level 5.

And Misaka#10000 was one of them, though her long white hair set her a little apart from the rest.

Due to the effects of growth acceleration techniques using genetic manipulation and drugs, their lifespan had been drastically reduced. 

They were undergoing various treatments in the hospital to overcome that, and thanks to #10000's Esper ability effect through the network, they would now be heading outside bit by bit for rehabilitation.

fixing her eyes on the ceiling Once again, ignoring a certain little clone talk.

The door suddenly opened and a man with a frog-face Old man came through, pulling Misaka's eyes toward it.

"Seems it was nothing," said a plump doctor as he closed the door behind him While taking a set on a swiveling chair in front of Misaka's bed.

He must have been aware he resembled a frog because he had a sticker of a small tree frog on the ID card on his chest.

"I thought I'd have to perform some magical feat to save someone on the edge of death after Accelerator explained what happened, but in the end, it was just low blood sugar."

He was holding a small clipboard of the sort waiters used.

Misaka remained silent, puzzled about what he was talking about. She had just woken up a few moments ago, and it was already noon.

She didn't know what had brought her here or how. The last thing she remembered was hearing that weird sound from the monster. And now, as she opened her eyes, she found herself on an unfamiliar bed, staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling.

She had an idea of what might have brought her here, as Last Order had kept complaining about how Accelerator was carrying her like a princess when he brought her unconscious and naked here...

She opened her mouth, trying to speak her first words, but a terrifying scream from the next room made her mouth open without a sound.

"Oh, he made her angry once again. Well, I have to check on another one of my patients. I'll be back in a moment."

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