Chapter 8: The New Life

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August 31, 8:12:51 PM.

There were less than four meters between them. He couldn't miss at this range if he tried.


Accelerator was using all of his strength to control Last Order's brain signals, so he couldn't divide it to reflect anything. If he did, he'd introduce an error in the precise electrical signals on the scale of an electron microscope. That would mean frying Last Order's brain to a crisp.

Only 7,001 lines of code remained.

Only nine warning windows were left.

His work wasn't over. Time slowed to a crawl.

Amai probably had no idea what Accelerator was doing, but from his point of view, just the thought of him touching Last Order, whom he absolutely couldn't let die, was probably close to driving him insane.

"Don't...get in my way..."

Froth formed in Amai Ao's mouth. His eyes were red with blood.

He seemed to have even forgotten just how reckless it was to point a gun at Accelerator.

But Accelerator couldn't divide his power in order to reflect anything at the moment.

There was nothing he could do in this situation.

If that one insignificant lead bullet hit him, he'd die from it.

His survival instincts implored him to take his hand from the Last Order. They screamed to take back his reflection. He knew that if he did, he'd be saved. He wouldn't take damage from a rain of nuclear missiles, much less a handgun.

August 31, 8:12:58 PM.
However, he still didn't take his hand from Last Order.

There was no way in hell.

Only 102 lines of code remained. Just one warning window was left.


The trembling hand of the shouting Amai Ao, the handgun he held, its muzzle—all stared Accelerator down.

There was nothing he could do to avoid it.

He could only stare vacantly at his fingers moving to pull the trigger. 

A dry gunshot.


In the next instant, just before the trigger was pulled, Accelerator watched in shock as the man's head was suddenly missing. 

Blood splattered everywhere as Amai's lifeless body fell to the ground, staining the concrete with a vibrant red hue.

"Error. Break_code_No000001_to_No357081. The administrative command was canceled due to improper usage. Reawakening serial number 20001 in accordance with descriptions."

With a light, electronic sound, the final warning window vanished, indicating that the dangerous code had been successfully overwritten. 

However, Accelerator had no time to dwell on it, as his attention was now focused on the girl standing behind Amai's lifeless corpse.

She had facial features similar to the little girl in his hands, though she was older and had long white hair reaching to her back.

He knew her; after all, he did meet her before, and the encounter wasn't a pleasant one. That's why he was confused about why she was here, why she had saved him.

Locking eyes with him, she didn't utter a word, and neither did he.

However, the silence didn't last long. The clone opened her mouth.

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