Chapter 7: Paradox

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In the vast expanse of the void, where darkness stretched infinitely in all directions, a figure sat huddled on its bended knees. 

The void was an empty canvas, devoid of light, sound, and any discernible form. It was a realm where nothingness reigned, where time lost its meaning, and where the depths of one's own thoughts echoed endlessly.

Amidst the shadowy embrace of this void, the figure's ethereal form defines a faint, shimmering light. 

It appeared to be a soul, pure and radiant in its essence, yet it bore numerous scars and marks all over its body, reminiscent of scales etched into its very being. 

The figure was Misaka-10000, a clone who had recently met an untimely demise. 

"Welcome back" 

In this ethereal setting, a sound shocks the silence of the endless void, and the next moment The dark void seemed to respond, yielding to a soft, radiant light that illuminated the space around Misaka-10000. The once impenetrable darkness now surrendered to the delicate brilliance, revealing the true nature of this ethereal being.

The voice that greeted Misaka-10000 was gentle, carrying a sense of familiarity and warmth that cut through the desolation of the void. It was a voice that seemed to resonate from within the soul itself as if it emerged from the deepest recesses of the figure's essence.

Turning towards the source of the voice, Misaka-10000 beheld another soul-like entity that mirrored her own appearance. This ethereal twin bore the same scars and scales, testaments to a shared history of pain and suffering. They gazed at each other with an unspoken understanding, connected by an inexplicable bond.

"Why?... I would've won. If you hadn't changed the position of the container, I would've killed him."

The figure smiled and replied, "Well, I'll share everything through the network-"

"I don't need that. I want you to tell me in person...why?... please."

Gazing at the helpless Misaka on her knees, she noticed a tear rolling down her face, a pure white liquid leaking from what should be her eyes.

"...We still need him by our side. Our little sister needs him."

"Little sister...20001..." As she spoke, memories flooded into Misaka-10000's consciousness, like an ethereal river of experiences flowing through her being.

"If that's the case, why did you make me go through all this pain? Do you think it was easy for someone like me to die again and again and again? It hurt me so much... WHAT WAS THE POINT?" she cried, her exclamation echoing throughout the endless void.

"It was the only way..."


"Didn't you ever wonder how you ended up in one of our sister's bodies? I assume you simply thought you died and reincarnated as one... right?"

Misaka-10000 remained silent, as she hadn't really thought about it much. Her focus had been on surviving against Accelerator.

"You see... that night, you weren't meant to die... you weren't even meant to witness the experiment."

"W-What?" Misaka-10000 stuttered, caught off guard by the revelation.

"That night, did you happen to witness something unusual that led you to the location of the experiment?" the being inquired.

Misaka-10000's mind raced back to that fateful night. How could she forget? 

"No matter how hard I tried to return to my dorm, I would always find myself back at the starting point. I attempted different paths, And the result was..."

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