Chapter 25: It has begun

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Lidvia Lorenzetti.

One of the people, along with Oriana Thomson, who was given the task of activating the Croce di Pietro inside Academy City, believed that by gaining control of the city, they would have the entire science side of the world in their grasp.

The light of the sun in the sky had almost completely faded away. It was 6:28 PM.

The Croce di Pietro requires a specific date for its activation; for example, the only date the Croce di Pietro can be activated in the Vatican is June 29, while it can only be activated to take over Academy City on September 19. Once in the area, the spellcaster has to know its details, features, and characteristics so the spellcaster can choose the most effective constellation out of the 88 constellations for the area. Finally, the artifact requires a proper location or observatory where the starlight can be seen, to which the cross acts like an antenna that gathers the starlight of the constellation which is ideal for the activation of the artifact.

The cross absorbs the light and uses the link with the constellations, which acts like a magic circle to activate. The incantation: "Let the sky be the ceiling, and let this place be a safe haven for the living. Please grant me protection, O twelve Apostles," is also required to stabilize the cross before it gathers starlight.

The Croce di Pietro was not in Oriana's hands but in Lidvia's...

"Now we've set everything with the little Imouto" Kamijou Touma looked up. As he gazed at the evening sky and at the first star that had just begun to shine, "We have to stop Lidvia from activating the Croce  before it is too late"

Tsuchimikado remained silent, his hand on his cheek. "Saying it is easier than doing it, Kami-yan," he said as he withdrew his hand and glanced at the kneeling Oriana. "I think you know what I want to know, right?"


"The Croce di Pietro's effects will activate in a moment. It's already too late to stop us."

She spoke. But It wasn't Oriana, as the foreign woman's mouth remained shut the whole time. instead, it was the voice of Lidiva through the letters imprinted directly on Oriana's retinas.

"The Croce di Pietro will alter Academy City into a form that will be convenient for the Roman Catholic Church. Hence, it matters not how wounded any of you are. Whatever the case may be, all of Academy City, including where you're standing, will soon be twisted around."

"So you're just gonna get rid of everyone who stands in your way?!" Kamijou shouted in spite of himself.

Lidvia remained unruffled.

"I believe you're misunderstanding something. I simply said we will treat your wounds with kindness and mend them. As long as it is for the utmost benefit of the Roman Catholic Church, of course."

"What?" said Kamijou, frowning.

"...You don't need to listen to her, Kamijou Touma," warned Stiyl. "She's trying to use the Croce di Pietro, which means Lidvia and the spiritual item have to be nearby. Your right hand can destroy any spiritual item's function. We just have to figure out where she—"

"She's playing games with you guys," interrupted Misaka, "What is the potential range of that Croce?, Asks Misaka"

The clone drew everyone's attention as she approached Oriana, her hand clutching Touma's jacket, using it to hide her body.

"...You're the abnormal clone, right? Why do you think I would answer your question—"

"Because you've already won, right? According to Misaka's calculations, you have just 1 minute and 20 seconds for your toy to activate, explains Misaka"

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