Chapter 12: Nameless

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It was a sultry night. 

Academy City was located in western Tokyo, so it was enveloped in inland heat even at night. And this was an ecological city that primarily used wind power, so the heat island effect was impressive.

District 17 was an unmanned factory district, and its uniquely stunning nightscape had garnered some minor attention on factory tour sites and similar platforms.

The silence enveloped the factory, the only sounds that could be heard were the gentle patter of raindrops and the whispering wind, But...

"Huff... Huff... Huff... What kind of monster is that?"

On this particular night, the tranquility of District 17 was shattered by the sound of heavy, labored breathing. A man wearing what appeared to be Anti-Skill special SWAT armor clutched his bleeding arm, seeking refuge behind one of the containers that were stacked in rows throughout the area.

His eyes darted back and forth, taking quick glances from the sides of the containers as if he were ensuring that no one was approaching.

"What's the matter? I can't reach the other teams. What happened?"

A voice called from his earpiece, capturing his attention.

Reaching for the earpiece with a trembling hand, he responded, "S-Sir, we were under attack. All teams, A, B, C, D, and E have been wiped out. I am the sole survivor from Team E, S-Sir."

"Hmm... Who was the attacker? Was it a team hired from the dark side?"

"I-I don't know, sir. They don't match the specifications of any team we know from the dark side. There were three of them, and all of them exhibited abnormal abilities."

"What kind of abilities?"


The line abruptly cut off after a chilling scream, leaving the person on the other end of the line to listen to the silence, interrupted only by the beep of the disconnected call.

"OW Maaaaaaaaaaan, not again~"

The figure slumped back into his chair, surrounded by numerous screens in the dimly lit room. A young man in his late teens with golden hair and a lollipop in his mouth.

"So, we lost our branch in District 17. dachshund (Hishigata), what's the meaning of this?" a voice emanated from one of the screens.

"We can understand why your men failed to retrieve that girl due to Accelerator's intervention, and we can overlook your failure in restoring the Dark May project's girl due to Kakine Teitoku's interference, but to fail at safeguarding the experimental samples against nameless teams from the dark side... are your men truly worthy?"

Hishigata smirked, twirling the lollipop between his fingers.

"Now, now, let's not jump to conclusions, shall we? It's not like we anticipated these random teams from the dark side. They were an unexpected variable. We will find out who they are and deal with them accordingly."

"I hope you're not underestimating the situation, dachshund. This is not the time for mistakes or excuses."

"Rest assured, That's My job now after all."

As the screens went blank, Hishigata leaned back in his chair, "A Nameless team Huh..."

Part 2:

"You really didn't give them any chance, did you?" 

Motoharu commented as he approached the scene holding an umbrella over his head. He could see the lifeless body of the man they were chasing, a large hole in his chest.

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