Chapter 3: Misaka mikoto

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Kneeling on the cold floor of a dimly lit hallway, away from prying eyes, Misaka-10k savored each bite of her cup of instant noodles.

"This is the best food in the world, says Misaka as she takes a bite from her instant noodles"

With her parents no longer suspecting her absence for the next two days, Misaka-10k pondered her next move. 

It was already noon, and she had yet to make any preparations. However that was obvious, her opponent was the top-ranked Level 5 esper in the academy city. 

If defeating him were that easy, he would have been taken down long ago. If he were to lose, it would likely be at the hands of another Level 5 esper. That seemed to be the only plausible scenario for his defeat.

She took another bite of her instant noodles, savoring the flavor as her thoughts wandered.

Despite the urgency to come up with a plan quickly, her mind couldn't help but be curious about the clone experiment. There were many gaps in her understanding of the subject that troubled her.

"They use the Testament machine to Transfer language, motor skills, and ethical data to their brain. However, they probably wouldn't be able to transform something as complex as emotions. I don't think they fully comprehend human emotions and consciousness to accomplish that. This would explain our robotic way of speaking—explains Misaka as she takes another bite of her instant noodles."

"However, they didn't subject me to the same modifications. It's likely because I already demonstrated the capability for communication and language skills. But they didn't provide me with any combat abilities, and yet they still let me out to face stronger espers. It's clear that they don't see much value in us, but the fact that they let me participate is the problem—explains Misaka as she takes another bite from her instant noodles"

The Testament machine is a device that can transmit data electrically through all five senses, forcefully implanting itself into the clone's brain. This means they have the ability to control and manipulate the clones' thoughts and actions, including issuing strict orders.

such as carrying out suicidal missions without hesitation and without any self-preservation instincts.

"And also the order to not leak any information about the experiment, says misaka"

That's the problem. They didn't subject her to the Testament machine, which means she isn't bound by any orders.

"I know for a fact that they don't want the details of the experiment to be revealed. That's why they ordered me to avoid getting too involved with people. However, it seems they don't care that much—explains Misaka as she takes another bite from her instant noodles"

Shouldn't they be concerned if the higher officials of Academy City found out about something like this? That was the question occupying her mind. If they didn't care, it could only mean one thing.

"The higher officials of Academy City are also involved in the experiment—concludes Misaka as she finishes her last bite of instant noodles."

fixating her gaze on the empty cup of noodles, she lost in thought for a moment, until a single question pierced through her preoccupation, shattering it.

In a state of shock, she stood with wide eyes, "I don't lack the emotion or self-worth like the other clones, so why am I speaking like them?—wonders misaka as take her leave from the hallway"

"Ah! Misaka-san!" a voice called from the end of the hallway.

"And what about my sudden liking for Gekota—"

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