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"YOU CAN'T RUN THE SCHOOL LIKE THAT!!" Minji's father yelled.


"SPECIALLY WITH SOMEONE LIKE Y/N!" Mr. Kim kept yelling.

That statement made Minji's blood boil.

"Y/N GOT THE HIGHEST SCORE!" She yelled in both fear and anger.

"I don't care what score that criminal got. Y/n is a criminal and that's all they're going to be. Get it through your head!" Minji's father always said things like this.

"You need to stop thinking about Y/n or your friends or what everyone else is doing. You're clearly not learning anything about running the business. You clearly don't care about the future of the school. More importantly, you clearly don't care about your future," Minji's dad kept trying to get his point across.

This was a usual occasion for Minji.

She'd get home and her father would be upset about something.

Whether it was her grades, the performance of the school, or something trivial that didn't warrant such an extreme reaction.

Before the incident with Y/n....

Minji could speak up and rationally talked to her dad.... but now... Minji couldn't voice her concerns or ask for help.

She always felt like no matter what she did, it was never enough.

Mr. Kim on the other hand,

He felt like he had failed Minji.... like he had failed to protect her... or be there for her...

So, he thought that preparing Minji and teaching her everything she needs to know...

At all cost...

Was the way to go.

- Minji POV -

I ran into my room and threw my backpack across the room.

"ARGGHH!!!" I yelled in frustration.

Nothing I ever did was enough for my parents. Specially not for my dad.

"We were only 5 points away from ranking first place!" I whispered to myself in disappointment.

Dad had been yelling at me for the last 30 minutes about how out of all the high schools in the nation, We ranked 2nd.

"Why can't you do anything right?!" I screamed to myself, breaking down on my knees.

"You should've tried harder! Done more work! Been more present!" I kept talking to the weaker side of me.

I always felt like there was two sides of me fighting to take control.

The weak side that just wanted to believe that life was what I wanted and what made me happy....

And... the other side of me, that knew that life was not easy and I need to do what I was told in ordered to survive.

"Why don't you just put the weight on me?" A familiar voice rang in my head.

I smirked to myself as I tried to get a hold of my tears.

I knew it was just Y/n's voice echoing through my head.

"I can't do that. You deal with enough," I talked to the imaginary version of Y/n I had created.

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