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Shots started going off at Mr. Nishimura's den. Adrenaline was rushing and no one could have expected what just happened.

"CALL 119!!" Guards yelled.

"FIND WHO IT WAS!!!" Thugs started to spread the word.

Mr. Nishimura was barely holding on. He could die any minute.

"CHECK ON THE ELDEST. SEE IF THEY'RE HURT!!" Head guards announced.

Little did anyone know, Y/n ran out of there while they could.

- Y/N POV -

I sprinted the hell out of dad's office.

I didn't even know what the hell had just happened. I had blacked out.

"What the fuck?!" I panted out.

I quickly got into my car and speeded my way the hell out of the neighborhood.

I didn't know what else to do, so I just drove to school and acted as if nothing happened.

Suddenly, someone abruptly ran into me.

It was Ni-Ki.

He looked tired and panicked.

"Is he dead?! Did he die?!" Riki asked.... a bit too loud for my liking...

I quickly placed my hands over his mouth and shushed him.

"Shut the fuck up! And I don't know. I don't even know what happened!" I responded in a panic.

Suddenly, I noticed Ni-Ki's clothes. His clothes were all bloody... but so were mine.

"Were you there?!" I asked all confused.

"Yeah, yeah- I went to go check on you!" Riki panted out.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, but tried to get a hold of myself as best as I could.

"Okay, change into a fresh uniform. They're in my trunk and calm tf down. Nothing happened. We don't know what happened. We didn't see anything!" I tried to get us to get on the same page.

"Okay," Ni-Ki responded in a panic.

I grabbed a few fresh uniforms from my car and we both changed as fast as we could.

We then rushed over to class and pretended as if nothing happened.

- Ni-Ki POV -

I was in a panic.

I didn't even know what had just happened.

I had blacked out.

One minute, I was driving over to dad's office. The next.... there was bullets and blood everywhere...

"You okay?" Jay asked.

"Mhm," I hummed out a bit distraught.

"You sure?" He followed up.

"Yeah!" I unconsciously raised my voice.

I went on with class as if nothing happened.

"What tf happened?" I kept questioning myself.

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