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Danielle and Y/n had been rushed to the hospital.

Even in Y/n's delirious state, Y/n had managed to reach Dani's bedroom window and both Dani and Y/n were quickly pulled out of the house.

- Danielle POV -

Y/n had burns all over.

I could see how painful it was for Y/n to play the guitar.

It had only been 12 hours since the fire at my house, but Y/n insisted on playing me a song.

When we were kids, Y/n always made us songs and played the guitar to comfort us...

I think that's where we all got our musical or creative sides from.

"Your hope dangling by a string
I'll share in your suffering
To make you well, to make you well

Give me reasons to believe
That you would do the same for me
And I would do it for you, for yooouuu,"

Y/n sang.

I could see Y/n's burned fingers twitching a little as they played the guitar.

I couldn't help myself and asked, "why would you put yourself in danger for me?"

Y/n sighed and refused to look at me.

"What else are you supposed to do when someone's been kind enough to feed you?" Y/n mumbled a little.

I raised an eyebrow at the ridiculous remark.

"So, you saved my life cus I gave you a sandwich?" I jokingly asked.

I could see Y/n's whole demeanor change.

"It wasn't just a sandwich," Y/n coldly responded.

- Y/N POV -

Dani tried to joke with me about a sandwich.

I was doing my best to not let her know that I didn't like the joke... but at times... it was hard to fake it.

The girls never understood how much they did for me in the last year.

I was always the kid with no allowance, no lunch, no friends.... no sense in purpose...

In everyone's eyes... I was the rich kid who lost their dad...

But I lost more than that...

I lost my mom... my sense of self worth... my room... food... water... the feeling of safety.

"It's okay. I'll pack you a lunch when we get out of here," Dani suddenly pulled me out of my thought.

"Huh? Okay," I lowly answered.

Out of all the girls...

Dani was the only one to make me feel human.

At least in the basic aspects....

Danielle always packed extra lunches for me... she loaned me her books.... she let me rant to her when I was upset...

I'm sure in her eyes....

I was just harassing her.

Which I probably was......

Danielle wasn't like the rest of the girls...

She listened and rarely spoke back.

"Hey, it's just a sandwich," Dani smile at me.

I took a painful deep breath.

"It's not just a sandwich!" I snapped a little.

"It's not just some kimbap or some rice soup. It's not just food," I finally let things off my chest.

"You all have no idea how much you have saved my life!" I found myself crying out a little.

"I've been holding on by a thread in last 18 months.... and guess what's been keeping me together?!" My voice cracked.

"Your meals, Minji's smile first thing in the morning, Hanni's scolding on how I should be a better person, Haerin's dopey smile when she knows I'm about to tease her, Hyein's sassy comments when she doesn't like what I'm doing.....," I kept on choking up.

"It all... it all... it all kept me alive this year...," I began to mumble.

"The least I could do is run into a burning building to make sure you were okay," I whispered as lowly as I could.

"Those two things don't compare!" Dani chuckled a little.

I felt mocked.

"You don't realize how much a simple kind gesture can mean to a person," I bitterly uttered before grabbing my guitar to return to my own hospital room.








Author's Note. What's a small gesture someone has done for you that you still remember to this day?  ~.~

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