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After almost a week of discussing and trying to an agreement about Y/n, The girls had ended up disagreeing about everything and splitting off.

"What makes you think you know Y/n sunbaenim better?" Hyein asked Dani.

"The fact that Y/n sat there and look at us as if we were strangers all week!!" Dani had finally lost it.

"Sunbae, is just going through something!" Haerin exclaimed in frustration.

Haerin never called Y/n 'Subae'....

She loved the way Y/n played with her too much to disrespect Y/n at all....

- Hyein POV -

I understood everything that was going on better than anyone else.

Y/n sunbaenim and I weren't as close as everyone wanted.

But I understood every action and word that came out of Y/n's mouth.

I just pretend not to...

Out of respect for my elders.

"Y/n sunbaenim?" I walked up to Sunbae at their locker.

"You're not going to act like your Unnies are you?" Sunbae looked annoyed.

"No, actually... I wanted to ask what it is that you need from us?" I got a little shy.

"Us? It looks like you girls have all been fighting," Sunbae coldly responded.

"No, that's not-" I was about to lie.

"Don't give me that, I've seen the way you all keep avoiding each other and exchanging dirty looks," Y/n sunbaenim gave me an endearing look.

"You've noticed that?" I asked a bit embarrassed.

"Well yeah, I love you guys...," Sunbae gave me a smile.

Suddenly, Wonyoung sunbaenim walked up to Y/n and greeted them with a kiss.

"Hi, baby! Need any assistance?" Sunbaenim asked Y/n.

"No, Princess. Hyein-ei and I are just talking,"

"Okay!" Sunbaenim gave me a kind smile.

"I- I- I will just talk to you later," I said a bit jealous.

It wasn't a romantic jealousy... well, maybe a little....

I was more jealous that Y/n was being so nice to Wonyoung sunbaenim. Even calling her "Princess".


They were engaged now but... I was still jealous.

I was about walk away when Y/n suddenly said, "Wait, you asked what is it that I need from you and the least I can do is answer your question. Specially since you were straightforward and communicated with me."

I turned to look at Y/n a bit surprised.

Y/n sunbaenim turned to look at Wonyoung, as if asking for permission, and she nodded.

Y/n nodded at her in return then looked back at me.

"I need you all to reflect and take accountability for everything that happened. I know it's something that's really hard... I'm currently going through that right now... but it would be nice if you all did the same. I just want my friends back. If you're willing to and when you're ready. I'll be right here but for now I'd like for you all to take time to do that for me," Y/n explained.

I didn't really understand what it was that Y/n wanted from us but I was going to do my best to figure out what it all meant.

- Minji POV -

I was marching my way over to talk to Y/n, when I noticed Hyein talking to them.

I was still very upset about Y/n's engagement to Wonyoung. I was even more upset that Y/n wasn't even talking to us anymore.

"I need you all to reflect and take accountability for everything that happened. I know it's something that's really hard... I'm currently going through that right now... but it would be nice if you all did the same. I just want my friends back. If you're willing to and when you're ready. I'll be right here but for now I'd like for you all to take to time to do that for me," I overheard Y/n tell Hyein.

I groaned to myself a bit pained.

I was sort of going through the same thing ever since Y/n got engaged.

There was time where I wanted to talk to Y/n and apologize but most other times I was still angry about Y/n's bully behavior. Which... was also my fault....

"Okay," Hyein answered Y/n before Y/n walked away holding Wonyoung's hand.

- Y/N POV -

I was peacefully walking in the halls with my fiancé when we suddenly heard arguing coming from a classroom.

As we passed by said classroom, Wony and I noticed that the people arguing were Hanni and Jihye.

"How is it my fault?!" Jihye yelled at Hanni.

I could see Haerin to the side of them, struggling to speak up.

"Y/n wouldn't be so far gone if you hadn't enabled them!" Hanni yelled back at Jihye.

I sighed and was about to keep walking when Wonyoung suddenly pulled me. "They're your friends, aren't they?" She whispered to me with a knowing look.

I took a deep breath in a bit of defeat and annoyance.

It's not that I didn't want to intervene.... I didn't like to see the girls fighting but I just didn't feel ready to talk them.

"Go on," Wonyoung nudged me.

I sighed again and walked up into the classroom.

"Y/n isn't gone!! Just that none of you are listening to-"


I cleared my throat to get the girls' attention.

"Y/N!!" Haerin squealed.

Hanni and Jihye both turned to look at me in shock.

I wasn't really sure of what to say, so I said the only thing thing I could.... "I don't like to see my friends fight."








Author's Note: How do you feel about the girls fighting? >.<

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