Run like the wolf

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"Oh goodness! What happened?" the nurse gasped, rushing over to us.

"She fell in gym," Derek said, reluctantly setting me down.

The nurse, a portly woman with kind blue eyes, shuffled over to me.

"Where's it hurt, dearie?" she wondered, lightly touching my ankle.

I winced.

"Ooh," she clucked.

Derek growled.

"What? What's wrong with her?" he demanded.

"Hush, Mr. Moore. You're making it worse," she bossed.

He almost reprimanded her, but then he caught himself. I gave him a warning look. We were on human territory.

"Well, I think you've sprained yourself an ankle, Ms. Avery, but just try to stay off of it and rest when you get home," She ordered.

"And you!" she said sharply, turning to Derek.

"You help her around today. Stay close to her. I don't want her falling again or she could have a very serious injury." Derek nodded, eyes determined.

I rolled my eyes. My ankle would be fine in an hour, thanks to werewolf healing. She clapped.

"Now that that's done, I'll give you some ice and send you off to your next class," The nurse said.

Derek carried me back to gym, where he sat out with me. He flustered over me like a mother hen.

"Are you sure you done need more ice?" he asked, again.

"Yes, Der, I'm sure. It barely even hurts anymore!" I reassure him.

He still looked worried.

"Look, I promise I'll tell you even when it hurts a little, ok?" I reasoned.

He ignored me, and just re wrapped my bandage. Very loosely.

"We don't have the next class together! What are you going to do?" He concluded, looking wide eyes.


"Ok, ok. Don't worry. I'll just carry you to your class, come pick you up, and drive you home."

I shook my head, appalled by the idea.

"No no no! That's not necessary," I disagreed.

I do not want him carrying me around school like some damsel in distress. Oh my god, I can already feel the stares. He ignored me again, but smiled at me.

"It's ok, Ave. I'll make sure you aren't in the least amount of pain,"

I groaned internally. Now, I feel the karma.

"Avery?" he addressed me.

I looked at him expectantly, but didn't expect to see him look so crushed.

"I'm... sorry you got hurt," He said, looking down.

"What? Derek, it's not your fault."

"But it is! I should have done something! Made sure Simon (The guy who threw the ball at her) didn't aim for you or I should've caught you before you fell. Something!" he exclaimed, not meeting my eyes.

I cupped his chin, lifting his gaze up to mine.

"Derek, accidents happen. Sometimes, I'll get hurt and you can't do nothing about it. The same goes for me. I hate the idea of you getting hurt, but I know it'll happen. All we can do for each other, is to take care of one another until we get better. And you're doing a great job nursing me back to health," I smiled.

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