Oh geesh

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I straightened my hair and threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a pretty white off the shoulder shirt. I applied some mascara and eyeliner, making a wing for each eye, then checked the time. 6:54.

Derek will be here any minute. I dabbed on some lip gloss, and texted Brandon on my phone for a few minutes. Then, I heard the knock.

I ran down stairs at full speed, but I was too late. My mother was already talking to my mate.

"Ooh, you're such an attractive young man. I'm Avery's mother, Mary. You must be Derek," she gushed, scurrying him inside.

I face palmed.

"Avery, quit dawdling in the door way like a creep. Come in here!" My mom screamed.

I blushed, but shuffled toward them. Derek smiled when he saw me, then hugged me to his side.

"Hello, little mate," he greeted.

I smiled feeling warm and fuzzy.

"Hello Fido."

He rolled his eyes at his ridiculous nick name, and bumped me gently with his shoulder.

"So, you're the lucky guy?" My father asked, stomping slowly down the stairs.

"Yes sir," Derek replied, laying on the charm.

Dad nodded then got straight down to business.

"Son, how do you think you should treat a lady?"

"Dad!" I hissed.

He ignored me and continued to stare intensely at my mate.

"Well sir, I obviously believe that woman should be loved and protected, but also respected and equal. Avery will one day be my pack's Luna, so I am sure she will be treated with all these things."

Her father nodded again, then broke into a small smile.

"Congrats son, you passed. Now, Mary, I heard we were having spaghetti for dinner."

So my parents waltzed toward the kitchen, discussing what was on the menu.

"You did good," I told him, turning to smile.

He grinned.

"That's good. I'd hate for my mate's father to despise me," he said, crinkling his cute nose.

I laughed.

"Trust me, he won't. He's always wanted a son," I said a bit sadly.

Derek gave me a funny look.

"He adores you, Ave. I think he's glad that he has a daughter instead," he said, pinching my cheek.

I swatted his hand away and smiled.

"Yeah, I know."

"So should I be opening three spots in my pack?"

"Nope, just one."

"You're parents aren't coming?" He asked, surprised.

"No, my parents are rogues through and through. They'd never give it up. Even for their daughter," I told him, smiling wistfully.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"It's ok. They can visit whenever they like."

I smiled in thanks, then we joined my parents in the kitchen.

"I think tonight went well," Derek claimed, walking out onto the porch with me.

"Me too."

"So when do you think you'll move?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I blanked.

"Umm..... I don't know," I answered, uncomfortable.

he sighed.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could give you more time to think about it, but I'm turning 19 soon and usually mates find each other at 16. My pack has been waiting for you for awhile," he explained.

I nodded, understanding.

"Yeah, I get it. I just..... I'm not used to the thought of moving out so soon," I tell him, twiddling with the end of my shirt, nervously.

"I understand. I'll give you as long as I can, but you need to move in soon," he said, then kissed my forehead and jogged into the woods.

After a few minutes, I heard his wolf howl a farewell.

I tried to smile as I walked back inside. I found my mom cleaning dishes in the kitchen.

"That boy is a real catch, Avery," she smiled.

I grinned back.

"I'm glade you like him."

"Yes, I was starting to wonder if you'd ever find your mate! After Ethan, your father and I were really concerned."

I felt the blood drain from my face. Ethan. How could I have forgotten?

"Mom, I'm not feeling so well. I'm going up to bed," I excused, my stomach turning.

She nodded, looking at me with concern. I quickly jogged up to my room. How could I have forgotten Ethan? I was so wrapped up in Jessica and Derek, it's like he slipped my mind.

All those promises, the oaths. Shame coursed through me.

Avery, you have to go on! Ethan is dead, you have a chance to be happy! We have a chance to be happy! My wolf cried.

A picture of Derek flashed through my mind, and I hesitated.

Will Derek still love us once he knows the truth?

Of course. My wolf said, but she didn't sound so sure to me.

Then we'll tell him. I replied.

She seemed to cower, but wouldn't confess her fears. I didn't say anything either.

I really hoped Derek wouldn't hate me after this.

Dang it mom, why do you have to ruin everything? Sorry for the short chapter, I'm having writer's block. Well, love you guys!

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