Saving yourself

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I want to dedicate this chapter, to everyone who's been voting each time I update.

You guys are the reason my story is getting somewhere and you are the greatest fans!

I spun around, startled, to see a form lunge at me. I dodged at the last second, rolling away from my attacker. They crashed into Brandon's prison cell.

He lurched forward, grabbing the rogue by the hair and pulling it hardened against the bars, making it's head clash against medal.

A feminine voice hissed in pain as Brandon held her tightly against the bars.

"Traitor," he whispered fiercely.

I gasped as he realized who was in his arms. Jessica. As in Derek's ex girlfriend.

"Jessica?" I gaped.

She snarled at me.

"We'll look who it is? Miss. Home wrecker, Avery. How's life? Missed me?" She asked, sneering.

"Hardly," I replied.

She thrashed in Brandon's arms, eyes full of malice.

"Don't worry, Avery, I have my own alpha now. And I'm going to crush you," She smiled evilly.

I stared at her with confusion but then heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I readied the pipe in my hand and gave Brandon a look to be ready.

After a moment the footsteps got louder and then Derek came around the corner. He looked at me with a shock and then looked over at Jessica.

"Avery what are you doing here?" He asked.

"You didn't say goodbye, you jerk! How could you leave your pregnant mate alone without even warning her you were going off to battle I mean gosh what kind of idiot are you?" I yelled at him.

Jessica gasped.

"You're pregnant? You dirty little skank! What's it been, six months since you first met? God, you're disgusting," she barked.

I snarled at her, distastefully.

"Avery what are you doing with Jessica? She was captured, she's not our enemy here," Derek reprimanded.

I glared at him.

"She betrayed us! She's not part of the pack, she joined the rogues. She's been down here torturing Brandon for God knows how long! She almost killed him," I said, wildly pointing at the blonde bimbo.

Derek gaped at her.

"Jessica?" He asked.

She grinned, batting her eyelashes.

"What, Derek? Are you surprised? After you left me for this this trash, did you seriously think I would stay? I'm just out for a little revenge. Wait, have you missed me? Is it possible that you want me back?" Jessica asked, giving him bedroom eyes.

I snarled at her, bringing my pipe up to hit her. She flinched slightly, which brought me some satisfaction. Then, Brandon banged her head roughly against the bars.

She crumpled to the ground, helplessly. He wiped his hands off on his ragged shirt.

"Ew, I got sl*t on my hands," he complained.

I chuckled, then searched for the key to release him.

"Avery, you really shouldn't be here. This is dangerous!" Derek said, glaring at me.

"Well maybe next time you'll say goodbye," I said, giving him the stink eye.

He pushed air through his lips, then went to Brandon's cell and literally punched through the lock. I gaped at him. Is it sad that that was kind of a turn on?

Brandon stepped out of the cage, grabbed Jessica roughly, and dragged her up the stairs. We followed him, wondering where the hell he was going.

He burst through the doors of the building, dragging Jessica out into the light of day.

"Uriah!" Brandon screamed at the top of his lungs.

The battle stopped. Just... Stopped. Suddenly, a tall, buff man stepped forward. This man had a scar from his left eyebrow down to his cheek bone. This was the man that tried to kill me.

I whimpered, sinking behind Derek, terror coursing through me. I kept seeing his eyes, as he nonchalantly told me I was going to die.

I remember his hand wrapped tightly around my throat. So tight in fact, that I had bruises for a solid week, even as a werewolf.

The night that I tried to repress, now played in my mind as I cowered behind Derek. He looked at me, shocked at my state.

"Avery? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"That's him. That's the guy who attacked me on Christmas Eve."

Recognition filled Derek's eyes, as he turned to this "Uriah" with murderous intent in his eyes.

"What did you do to my mate, Uriah? Tell me! Or your's dies," Brandon demands, grabbing Jessica's neck in a way that suggested he'd break it.

"Oh, you mean darling Lily? She's quite the traitor, you know? I caught her trying to free you," Uriah tsked.

"And you know what happens to traitors?" He asked.

I watched Brandon, eyes wide. His back was tensed, his shoulders taught with stress, I couldn't see his face though.

"They die," Finished Uriah, a smug smile breaching his disgusting face.

Brandon snapped. Literally.

He snapped Jessica's neck.

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