Epilogue pt 2

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2 years later
I'm scrambling to pick up after the twins' mess. That's right, they just turned two. And let me tell you, it's terrible.

Brooklyn is playing with them now, and JJ is sitting with them. When Derek bursts through the room, I nearly collapse with relief.

"Daddy's back! Where's my munchkins?" He screamed, arms thrown wide.

Theo and Leo scramble up and tackle their father. I laugh, and join the group hug.

"How old are you guys?" Asked Derek.

"Two!" Theo cried, holding up five fingers.

I chuckled, and pushed down three.

"No way! You're so old!" Derek groaned, playfully.

They giggle, then they went to go play airplane. I sit down, happy for a break. Derek's been on business trips a lot.

He's been having to go around a lot, since many minor packs had been fighting recently, for land. I can't say I'm surprised.

I knew the peace wouldn't last for long. I put those thoughts from my mind and concentrated on my boys. Today is my boys' day.

The whole pack came to celebrate! We played, ate cake, and opened their presents. They were having a blast. After everyone had left, Derek and I took our sleeping sons to their nursery.

We had our wedding, which was simply, but beautiful. I'm happy to say that I am now Avery Moore, Luna of the Autumn Moon pack.

Brandon died. He killed himself. I found him hanging from the ceiling. He had tied his bed sheets to the light on the ceiling.

I miss him so much, but I don't feel as much pain anymore. My parents left Vegas, and are now in California, which isn't too far from Oregon.

They visit once every six months, but I miss them. I'm thinking about going to college for a teaching degree.

Being Luna is a challenge, but I love it. I know everyone in the pack now! Being Luna is kind of like being a mother to over 800 kids, but minus the stretch marks and the STDs.

Everyone is so protective and loving. I really am grateful for everything. Derek and I head up for bed, and of course, we get a bit carried away. I mean- he's been gone for four days on business, you can't expect us not to make up for lost time.

After, he just holds me close and kisses me on the forehead.

"God, I love you so much," Derek said with a content sigh.

I smiled.

"I love you too."

"Thank you for everything. For putting up with me mistakes, and giving me a family. It's been great," he said.

I kissed his chest.

"Of course, babe. I wouldn't trade it for the world."

Then, he started running his fingers through my hair. I purred at the sensation before slowly falling into sleep.

This is perfect.

Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant again.

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