The Last Battle

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Derek and the other Alphas have been meeting for a few days now. JJ is over 2 weeks pregnant, and she has a bump.

They found out that she's having a girl, and JJ couldn't wait to rub it in Sam's face. I've been trying to focus on the light hearted stuff, it's apparently better for the baby if I don't stress out too much.

So I've been giving JJ all of my attention. She's stoked that we're pregnant at the same time. She thinks our kids will get married one day and we'll finally be related.

I called my parents and told them. They weren't as excited, considering I'm 17. In fact, I think my dad almost came over with his rifle.

Later today, Derek and I will go for our first appointment, which is exciting. I place a hand on my still flat stomach. I just want this to be over.

I want Brandon back, I want peace and I want it to happen before my baby is born. I just don't know if that will happen.

"Ok, Luna. I'm going to put this gel on your stomach. No need to be worried ok?" The pack doctor smiled, looking at Derek for approval.

He nodded nervously. Doc squirted some warm gel on my stomach, then placed this scanner thing over the gel and rubbed it in.

I watched the screen as a grainy, black and white picture showed up. I smiled, looking at Derek who was clutching my hand gently.

After a few seconds of the pack doc being quiet, I looked at him nervously. He sensed this and smiled reassuringly at me.

"It's ok. You see this?" He asked, pointing at a little dot.

We nodded.

"That's your little peanut," he said. I grinned widely at Derek who looked mesmerized.

Then the doc went quiet again as he moved the scanner thing.

"Well, congratulations you two. You're having twins!" He said joyfully.

My heart stopped. Twins? I looked at Derek, startled. But he just smiled soothingly. I smiled back. That's right.

We can do this, together. Doc pulled up their heart beats and confirmed that they were identical, which I already knew would be confusing.

He explained that they share the same sack, but have their own membrane, which is the safest way to have twins. He said that they would definitely be the same gender though.

It all seemed so exciting. I can't wait to meet my babies. Doc took some pictures for us, where Derek kept making up these far fetched tales that he could see their "boy parts" already.

I just blushed, and slapped him on the arm.

"What if they're girls?" I cried, embarrassed.

He looked at me with all seriousness.

"Honey, our girls have penises."

I sputtered as he laughed at me before hitting him again, which only made him laugh harder. Then, he was called off to an emergency meeting, and I went to go get JJ.

I didn't expect for them to head out that night. I didn't even get to say good bye.

I went downstairs not long after to see many of the pack women gathered in the living room.

"Hey, what's up?" I wondered, looking at them all with a friendly smile.

One woman sniffled, tears in her eyes.

"The men just left for battle," she said, forlorn.

I looked at her, stricken.


"Yes, they went off to fight the rogues," another woman chimed, looking pitiful.

I gaped for a moment. Derek left. He just left. I turned, and walked calmly to the door, then I got into one of the many vehicles the pack owns and started driving.

I don't think so. Derek's not leaving his pregnant mate without a good bye. I'm following them up river. After a while, I saw that I was correct.

The rogues were here, and so were the packs. I shot forward in the car, then parked it haphazardly. I threw myself out, and made a run for the building ahead.

I ducked past wolves, and bleeding bodies, trying to escape the frenzy of battle. A rogue lunged in front of me, blocking my path. I hesitated, then growled.

The thing snarled back, but before it could step forward, a figure rammed it in the side, bringing it back into the battle once more. I began my run again.

I know what you're thinking, why don't I just shift? Because it's bad for the babies. It puts a lot of stress on them, me shifting back in forth, their womb expanding, and shrinking.

If you're not careful, you could kill them.  I finally made it to the building, then I flung open the door, and rushed inside.

I glanced around and noticed it all one floor, and had a small living room, kitchen, and a bedroom. This must've been the alpha's building.

I walked around silently, then went blanched. It wasn't one floor, there was a cellar. I hurried to open the wooden door and stepped down the stairs.

I could hear the sound of voice is below. I quietly sneak it down steps and hid in the shadows.

"You were so precious to her. Too bad she forgot about you. Now, you're stuck here forever. That's too bad. Doesn't it hurt to be cast away like that?" A snide voice commented.

"She didn't caste me away, she brought the packs here. She's fighting for me!" Brandon snarled.

My eyes widened. Brandon!

"Yeah right. Believe what you want, pretty boy. But you're as good as gone. They'll never find you. Alive that is. I'm going to kill you."

I snuck a peak from behind my hiding place to see a woman holding a gun towards Brandon, who was trapped in a cell.

The gun clicked and I lurched forward, picking up a pipe on the ground, and swinging it sharply. The woman fell on the ground, out cold.

"Avery?" Brandon called.

I turned to him, pipe still in hand.

"Brandon? Oh my god, are you ok?"

"Yeah, how did you..." He trailed off for a moment, then panic over took his eyes.

"Avery, watch out!"

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