Honestly? Ha!

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So far, we haven't found Brandon. We think they've been feeding him Wolfsbane, which weakens your wolf.

We know that if he could just send a message, break through the stupor, that we could find him. I haven't been much help.

My stupid heat is still going on, but it's coming to its end. Derek has been more than happy to assist with that though.

I don't think we've been giving Heat get a chance to start acting up. We're like bunnies, it's so bad. I don't think I've ever been more in love. But annoyed.

Derek won't let me leave the dang bedroom. He says there's too many unmated males. Ugh! He's so possessive.

And jealous. Don't forget jealous. But thankfully, my heat is coming to an end. Today should be the last day.

At the moment, I was on my laptop, which Derek got me to convince me to stay in our room, when JJ burst in.

"Sorry, Derek, but I need my best friend right now! I've already waited enough!" She screamed, then turned to me.

I watched, shocked, as tears filled her eyes and she launched herself at me.

"Ave!" She cried, clutching me in a bone crushing hug.

"It happened! What we were laughing about!"

"JJ? What is it? Why are you crying?" I wondered, patting her head soothingly.

"Ave, I'm-I'm pregnant."

After the initial shock, I just held her to me. I didn't know what to do, or what to say. I was actually really confused.

She cried her heart out, and told me everything. How she hasn't told Sam yet, but she had to tell Derek.

How he refused to let her see me because I was still in heat and I was very sensitive. I was fuming! But I have to ignore that for now, I'm here for my bestie.

"And it couldn't have come at a worser time. We're in the midst of a rogue army, Brandon is missing, and Sam is having to fight a battle left and right!"

"Wait, they've been fighting?"

"Yeah, almost everyday! We haven't lost a battle yet, and no one is too hurt. The rogues are poorly trained, and we have united all the packs! It's just... Stressing you know?"

I felt more anger, but pushed it down. He never even mentioned this to me! What the h*ll?

"JJ, listen to me. You have to tell Sam. He'll be ecstatic, I just know it! C'mon, I'll be here all the way, and I help with whatever I can! It's going to be alright," I remind her gently.

She nods, calming slowly.

"Could you.... Come with me? To tell him?"

"Yeah! Of course. So how long have you known?"

"Almost a week." I almost chocked on my spit.


"I know, I know. I'm just scared," she whispered.

I sighed.

"I know. But it'll be ok," I assured.

She just nodded. A werewolf pregnancy doesn't last as long as a human pregnancy. Where a human pregnancy is 9 months, a werewolf pregnancy last 4 months.

"It's ok, JJ. I'm here for you," I swore.

We pulled away, and I couldn't help but notice the little baby bump already showing.

What are we going to do?

And it was then, that Derek bursts
through the door.

"Ok, JJ. You had your time. Avery, really needs to rest," He said, sternly.

I glared icily at him. He winced, looking like I'd just punched him in the face.

"How dare you! You have the gall to come home to me everyday and act like everything is perfectly fine in not only your pack, but mine too!

You've been battling with rogues and you haven't told me?!" I screamed at him.

He sent JJ a weak glare before turning to me.

"You were going through heat, I didn't want to stress you out more," he replied defensively.

"Stress me out?! Stress me out?! My best friend is missing, I just moved in with my boyfriend, I haven't talked to anyone besides you in a week and

I going to be Luna of one of the most powerful packs in America and you're worried about stressing me out!" He just gapes.

"You're not allowed to talk to me, touch me or even look at me. I'm sleeping in a guest bedroom," I decide.

He stares wide eyes as I go to leave the room.

"Wait! Don't!" He yells, grabbing my hand.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed, jerking away.

Pure pain flashed in his eyes, and it killed me to be the person who caused, but he did this to himself.

"Leave me alone," I whispered, then ducked out of the room, JJ hot on my heels.

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