Forgetting the pain

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Hey guys! I wanted to dedicate this chapter to Sotem1562 who is a great fan and friend.

Just wanted to vent for a second.

I have people who make this story, never update, and when you suggest that they should make a schedule when to update, every freaking reader goes off on you like you just murdered a puppy.

I'm just saying.... If you're going to make a commitment to a story, be responsible. 😑


It was Christmas morning. I had come home last night after an all clear from the doctor.

They said to try not to talk too much because my vocal cords were strained from the attack. Derek has been very attentive since then. He hardly ever left my side!

We sat in the living room of the pack house. Mom, dad, Derek and I sat in a circle, exchanging gifts.

Mom had grabbed the presents from under my bed, while also bringing me my favorite hoodie and sweat pants.

I gave mom and dad their presents first and watched their faces light up. Derek even got them something, which made me love him even more.

He got them two tickets to a ball game a few hours away. Then it finally was my turn. He blushed and grinned as he handed me a thin box wrapped in gold paper.

I tore the sheets off eagerly and gasped at what was inside. It was a beautiful dress that reached the floor with a sexy slit up my left thigh.

It had no sleeves but did have a sparkly, silver belt below my bust. The fabric was a brilliant white and was easily the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen. I silently stared in awe at the dress.

Derek fidgeted nervously.

"Do you not like it?" He asked, nervously.

I looked up at him sharply.

"Derek! I love it! Thank you so much," I cried, hugging him.

That was the greatest gift ever. I couldn't stop smiling! He was grinning when I pulled away, and I beamed happily back at him.

Then, I pulled out my present. Anxiety courses through me. Would he like it? Oh god, what if he hated it?

"Actually, never mind. You'll probably hate it," I confessed, moving the present away from him.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed it.

"Hey!" I cried.

He started unwrapping the red papered mess while I fidgeted nervously. He pulled out the twin necklaces.

Both were held on black, thick strings, and had a thin rectangle made of steel. One said Soul and the other said Mate.

I eyed him as he studied his gift.

"You hate it, don't you? I'll take it back. Don't worry, I'll get you something better. Just pretend you didn't see it-" Derek reached over and crushed me to him.

My mother chuckled at us before pulling my father up with her and leaving the room, giving us privacy.

Derek gently pressed his lips to mine, giving me a sweet, slow, electrifying kiss.

"This is the best gift I could've ever wished for," he said sincerely.

I smiled brightly.

He put the necklace that said Soul over my head, then slid on the one that said Mate.

"I love you," he whispered into my hair, inhaling my scent.

"I love you too."

Best. Christmas. Ever.

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