Sarcasm is my BFF

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When I came to school today, I already knew it was going to suck. It was like a scent in the air.

I tried to avoid eye contact as I bustled up to my locker.

"Hey. So have you been avoiding me?" Brandon asked, leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Huh? What? No," I blinked.


"Well, it seems that every time I try to talk to you, you dodge away from me," he explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

I shook my head.

"No. I've just been... busy."

He nodded, then grinned.

"Congrats. You've won the Alpha."

I beamed back.

"Admit, we both knew I would," I said, winking at him.

He chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Ok, Mrs. Confident."

I giggled, but was stopped by Brandon lightly hitting my shoulder.

"Oh, and before I forget! Thanks for standing me up at Matthew's party. I told everyone I was bringing the future Luna!" He whined.

I winced.

"Oh, geez! Sorry Brandon, I totally forgot," I apologized.

He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I kind of got that," he said, chuckling drily.

"But you owe me! Say it! Say you owe me!"

"I totally owe you," I admitted, smiling in amusement.

"That's right. And to make it up to me, Sam is throwing a party and you're coming. That's final," he declared, glaring lightly at me.

I laughed, throwing my hands up in surrender.

"Fine, fine! I'll come," I relented.

He smiled, then did a little happy dance in the hall.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?"

I laughed. He giggled like a little girl then, skipped away.

I chuckled one last time before heading to class. Brandon is such a weirdo.
Ok, so apparently when werewolves throw a party, they throw a party. It was crazy. I walked in with Brandon, and was instantly alone.

I gaped as I spun, not seeing any familiar faces. Finally, I decided to shove through the crowd to the kitchen. But that plan failed when I saw Jake (One of Avery's friends) making out with a girl in a black mini skirt.

I fled to the back porch. Here, it was empty. Besides a few cigarette buds, I was alone. I let out a breath and leaned against the railing. Parties aren't really my thing. I know, I know.

Really hard to believe, that such a social person like me could hate sociable events. (Note the sarcasm) I sigh and relax against the wooden railing, taking in a deep breath of night air.

The wind suddenly picked up, bringing in the scent of something wrong. Something foreign.  Rogue and blood. I blanch for a moment as the breeze passes by, rustling my dark brown hair.

Then, I took off. I ran through the house, pushing through people until I found him.

"Sam! Sam!" I scream.

He turns to me, a look of mild alarm on his face.

"Avery? What's up?"

I huffed, catching my breath before bursting.

"There's a rogue in the woods!" I gasped.

He seemed to go into shock for 1.7 seconds before he launched into action.

"Code blue!" He screamed. Instantly, all the drunken teens scrambled wildly downstairs to the cellar.

I stood there, watching after them stupidly.

"Pack warriors will be here soon. Avery, go down stairs with the others," Brandon demanded.

"No! I want to help. I'm the one who knows the scent," I said stubbornly.

"We can find it easily, we have trackers. Go now. If you get hurt, Derek will have my Hyde," he claims, giving me a nudge to the down stairs door.

I finally relented, and nodded. I walked to the door, and when Sam turned his back, I hid. After a few minutes, he went outside to join the Warriors.

"Team one is with me, we go south towards the pack house. Team two will go East towards the school. Let's go!" He screamed.

Then, howls filled the air as the Warriors took off. After a few minutes, I ran outside and followed.

I will not be some damsel in distress and sit back as the men fight for me. If they've got my back then I've got their's.

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