Release the Kraken!

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Picture above is of JJ
So how do you guys like the new cover? I gotta admit, I'm kind of proud of it. xD it's my first time making my own cover.

Every day, I go down to see JJ. She's my only female friend, considering I only hang out with Brandon, Jake and Matt.

I still go to school, and I'm happy to say that we're going on Winter break soon. JJ has told me all about her past, and I've confided to her about mine.

It's obvious to me that JJ means no harm, but Derek isn't so sure. Sam told him about what I figured out, leaving out of course that I played detective and not him.

"So why'd you dye your hair like that?" I wondered, sitting on the opposite side of JJ's prison cell.

She shrugged.

"Well, one day, I was sitting in my pack and realized I couldn't control anything around me. Not even the color of my hair, I was born with naturally blonde hair.

So I decided to dye it. Any color I wanted, because that was something I could change and partially control," JJ said, fiddling with a strand of her pink hair.

I thought that over.

"But even if you do dye your hair, it'll still grow back blonde," I murmured, eyeing her carefully.

She reluctantly nods.

"I know. But still, I control when I get it re-dyed, and what color. it's not even about the hair, it was about grasping onto anything where I could make my own decisions and not have to bow to anyone else," she said, then stood and started pacing.

I watched helplessly for a few minutes until suddenly she stopped.

"My mate hasn't come to see me for the whole week I've been here. Do you know him very well?" She asked, looking at me vulnerably.

"A little, I guess. He's Derek's best friend," I stated quietly.

"I've always dreamed of having a mate, but I never thought it would hurt this much you know?" She said, giving a watery laugh before bursting in tears.

I quickly stood and reached through the bars to hug her. It was kind of awkward and painful to be pressed against the metal, but eh. Sacrifices for friendship.

"I thought that too. But god, mating is painful. It's drama and heartbreak, and crushes a part of you, but JJ, thats the way it's supposed to be.

We have to earn our happily ever after," I cooed, running a hand through her hair.

She hiccuped.

"Hav-haven't I proved myself enough? Haven't I been through enough?" She demanded, sobbing pitifully.

"You are so strong. I believe in you. Sam will come through, don't you remember how he reacted the first time you guys met?

He picked a fight with the alpha! He does care, JJ. Just give him time."

She sucks in a sad, unsteady breath, then nods.

"Ok, whatever you say, Avery."

I smiled.

"That's my girl."

I knocked lightly on Derek's office door.

"Come in," he called.

I opened the door and quietly came up to his desk. It was stacked with paper after paper, and a few books were propped up on the floor.

"Hey babe," he greeted.


I was quiet, trying to find the best way to ask him.

"So Lunas get to make decisions too right?" I asked, twirling a brown piece of hair around my finger.

"Yeah," he answered, keeping his eyes on his work.

"Even involving the prisoners?"

His eyes slowly looked at me.


Finally I broke.

"Derek, I know you think you know best, but I've been hanging out with JJ for over a week now! She's the nicest she wolf I've ever met!

I think we should let her out of the cell. Honestly too, why would the fates pair the beta with someone who would hurt the pack? It's total bull poopie!

I think we should let her out, she isn't a threat and besides-"

"Avery," Derek said sharply.

I stopped my rant.


"I know you and JJ are friends, but she could be lying! We need to be careful."

"You didn't put me in a prison when we first met!"

"You're different."

"How so?"

"Because you're my mate!"

"JJ is Sam's mate!"



He took in a few breath, seeing the determination on my face.

"Fine, I'll go down there and ask her some questions. If she passes, I'll let her out. If not.. then we'll see."

I honestly didn't know if I felt relieved or terrified.

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