Author's Note #2

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After a bit of thinking, I've decided that this story should focus on male readers. 

I will be writing another story for female readers, but not in this book. 








*You can skip this chapter if you only want to see the story.

I wondered how y/n could fit in the story as an actual playable agent. So I had to think of abilities that aren't weak but not overpowered as well. I thought long and hard, but I think it'd be cool if y/n was a DUELIST/INITIATOR. Read the next chapter to see y/n's callsign!


ACTIVATE to glitch a random distance between 5 to 15m in the direction you are moving. If y/n is standing still, he glitches forward. Leaves an illusion on cast position for a very limited time.

(*Basically Jett's dash/Tailwind but a bit slower and with random distance. Only once per round, of course. Used in Chapter 1: The Radiant Hunter)


EQUIP a gas emitter. FIRE to throw the emitter that perpetually remains throughout the round. ALT FIRE to lob. RE-USE the ability to create a cloud of gas that heals allies that pass through it.  Can be reused until healing pool is depleted. Can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.

(*Basically Viper's smoke/Poison Cloud but heals allies instead. Fuel can't be replenished unlike Viper.)


EQUIP a glitching barrier. FIRE to place in front of y/n, spawning an indestructible transparent barrier for a short duration. The barrier stops bullets and projectiles that pass through it. When the duration ends, bullets and projectiles will resume their travel. RE-USE to end duration early.

(*I know, I know. They don't make sense, but these are just ideas. I'm open to suggestions, of course.)


EQUIP a mask that can suppress human DNA. FIRE to enter a frenzy, gaining a Speed Boost and Combat Stim. While this ability is active, y/n becomes immune to Blinding and Deafening effects and gains superhuman hearing, allowing him to hear the footsteps of nearby walking or crouching enemies.

(*What do you think? Reyna gets to see her enemies better, with buffed Devour and Dismiss, while KAY/O gets to suppress enemies' abilities and a second chance when downed. So, let's make you a little OP, I guess. As for the human DNA part, it'll be explained later.)

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