Chapter 26: Purpose

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Omega Glitch seethed with frustration as he and Omega Fade descended the building. His defeat at the hands of Alpha Glitch gnawed at him, his pride wounded. The rain pelted them, mirroring his tumultuous emotions.

Sensing his distress, Fade's voice broke through the tension. "We need to get you to the hospital," she insisted, worry lacing her words.

Glitch brushed her concern aside with a dismissive wave. "Just a few bullets. I'll live."

As they reached a dimly lit alley, Glitch activated his glitching powers. With a shimmer, he phased, and the bullets that had embedded themselves in his torso fell to the ground, clattering on the wet pavement. Fade's eyes narrowed in concern.

Grimacing, she tore a strip of cloth from her clothing and swiftly wrapped it around his wounds, applying pressure to stem the bleeding. "You really think you can just brush this off?"

Glitch met her gaze, his expression a touch of resilience. "I've been through worse."

Her concern still evident, Fade asked the question that had been lingering. "Was he better than you?"

Glitch's scoff held a hint of bitterness. "I don't know. He's just... more patient. Calmer. Maybe luckier."

Fade's brow furrowed, her gaze searching his face. "You're not giving yourself enough credit."

As Fade tightened the cloth on his wound, Glitch winced out in pain. His lips then twitched in a rueful smile. "Typical me."

Their conversation paused for a moment as the rain continued to fall around them. Then, Glitch's tone turned slightly sharper. "And what the hell were you thinking, jumping in like that? You could've been killed!"

Fade met his gaze with unflinching determination. "You're not alone in this."

His frustration flared, a mix of anger and appreciation. "I didn't ask for your help."

Fade's voice was steady. "You would've done the same for me."

A tense silence settled between them, heavy with unspoken emotions. The rain continued to fall, the world around them cloaked in darkness. Eventually, Glitch let out a sigh, his anger ebbing away.

He then took a moment to assess the state of his suit. The arm bracer of his suit displayed a series of warnings and alerts, indicating that his suit had indeed suffered damage during the battle. Compromised integrity was flagged, raising the need for immediate repair or the replacement of specific components with compatible substitutes.

Frowning at the notifications, Glitch tapped on the holographic interface projected by his arm bracer. The suit's artificial intelligence responded, providing more details about the extent of the damage and the potential consequences if the issues weren't addressed promptly.

"Repair required. Suit integrity compromised," the AI intoned in its synthesized voice.

He then prompted his arm bracer to initiate a scan for potential substitute pieces nearby using its radar function. This function was designed to identify compatible Radianite technology within its vicinity that could be integrated into the suit as makeshift repairs.

As the radar function went to work, analyzing the surrounding area for suitable matches, Glitch exchanged a glance with Fade, who was observing him curiously. The arm bracer's display soon lit up with a list of compatible items that were detected in the vicinity. Among them, a particularly prominent match caught Glitch's attention: Alpha Glitch's suit.

Fade raised an eyebrow, suspicion evident in her gaze. "Did you plan for this?" she asked, her voice tinged with skepticism. "So you could track him?"

Glitch shook his head. "No. My suit was designed to be immune to external tracking. I didn't expect his to show up here," he replied. "But now that we know we can track him with this, we gotta go after him."

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