The Final Mission, Part V: Valorant

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(This chapter is long as hell... If you want to know how long it is, I'll tell you that Chapter 53 was 2700 words long. This chapter is 21000 words long. Soooo.... if you don't feel like reading through all the conflict and battl and shydt, you can just scroll down and skip to section 4   XD)

(I'll won't be writing for the next 2 months, so I'm dropping a big bomb here, lol. Sorry if you guys don't find this interesting at all, but here you go.)

(Section 1)







"Wake up."




Glitch opened his eyes to find himself standing on an endless expanse of water. The reflective surface stretched infinitely, mirroring distant mountains and the night sky. He glanced down, seeing his reflection shatter as he stepped back.

"Where am I?" Glitch questioned aloud, the words lingering in the expansive surroundings.

"Your mind, you could say. The whole place's a manifestation of your inner self," a voice responded from his left.

Turning towards the source, Glitch saw another version of himself walking towards him in the distance.

"Who are you? Why do you look like me?" he inquired.

The doppelganger chuckled, "Really? Am I that easy to forget? Even when sharing the same face as you?"

Confused, Glitch followed the gesture of his double's pointing finger, directing his attention to the Gauntlet of Space on his wrist. He finally caught on as he realized the identity of the figure before him.

"Omega me. So you survived?" Glitch remarked.

Omega Glitch's expression shifted, "What makes you think that? I just told you this is the inside of your mind."

Sighing, Glitch asked, "Why am I here?"

Omega Glitch chuckled, "No idea. But hey, it's a good thing. At least I get to, uh... cheer you up before your suicide mission?"

Glitch responded sternly, "That's not even funny."

The smile faded from Omega Glitch's features as he approached Glitch, now standing a few feet away.

With a serious tone, Omega Glitch said, "Should've done this since long ago. But now, I got your back as well."

He extended his hand, as if offering a handshake. Glitch hesitated for a moment but decided to reciprocate. 

"Save us all, Glitch."

As their hands touched, another voice called out.



"Glitch. Wake up."



The Nexus, the bridge between worlds

(46 hours and 55 minutes until the worlds merge)

Glitch awoke to Knightmare shaking him from his rest.

"Knightmare. Sorry, I dozed off," he mumbled.

Knightmare smiled gently, "We're glad you're finally getting some rest. But we need to go."

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