Chapter 53: The Final Mission, Part IV

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Everett-Linde Research Facility, New Mexico, Alpha Earth

(54 hours until the worlds merge)

"How are you feeling?" Sage asked as her hand ran from Li Zhao Yu's head down to his back, letting her powers flow through his body.

Li, also known as ISO, remained silent. Sage then stopped healing the man and said, "你能试着站起来吗?" ("Can you try standing up?")

ISO stood from his wheelchair, disconnecting himself from the life support device implanted in the suit that Doctor Klara Bohringer made for him. It was incredible how she came up with it and managed to create it in just less than three hours.

Not believing what he was experiencing, ISO was surprised that he could stand. "我...我感觉很强壮!" ("I... I feel strong!") he exclaimed.

Sage smiled, but not long after ISO tried walking, he fell on his knees, in pain. Sage and Klara helped him back to his wheelchair. The man breathed heavily, accepting the fact that he could not be cured yet.

"I'm sorry. I really thought I could fix you," Sage said.

ISO lied back on his chair, his suit clamping down on him, and the life support system went to work again. "没关系。我知道你尽力了,而且我知道情况很糟糕。谢谢。" ("It's fine. I know you tried, and I know it's that bad. Thanks.") he said.

Sage then stayed silent. But she decided to say, "你应该休息。我很抱歉你还得保持这种状态,但我们很快会需要你的力量。" ("You should rest. I'm sorry you'll have to stay this way, but we'll need your powers soon.")

She then stood from the medical bed she was sitting on and said, "The others should be finished preparing soon. I'll let them know you'll be out immediately."

Klara then voiced her concern, "Let's take it easy, Sage. He can potentially stop time. We shouldn't worry too much."

ISO then spoke, "Only for the preparation. You will need time to execute the main operation. I would say you'll need at least 48 hours for that. Everyone has to be ready in less than one hour, no matter what."

A tinge of sadness crept across Klara's expression. She understood the necessity of his sacrifice, a burden neither she nor Sage, nor anyone else wished him to bear. Yet, ISO had pledged his powers, even contemplating the sacrifice of his life, deeming it a more meaningful end than meeting his fate within the confines of the Istanbul facility.

 His life, he believed, could find greater purpose this way. With that, Sage and Klara left the room, and she softly added, "Please call if you need anything." 

ISO remained silent, nodding to himself.



(53 hours and 58 minutes until the worlds merge)

Glitch remained intensely focused on his training, cycling through various weapons at the makeshift range, determined to push his skills to the limit. Despite hitting all the marks, an unsatisfied feeling lingered. Resetting and repeating became a relentless pattern.



Shoot. Reload. Glitch. Shoot. Switch.



Shoot. Reload. Glitch. Shoot. Switch.


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