Bonus Chapter 21.5: Jett and Phoenix

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"Fire! The building's on fire!!"


"Help! Someone help me!"


"I'm trapped! Help me! I can't feel my legs!"




"He almost killed us all!"


"Jamie? What the fuck are you, man??"


"Just stay away from us!"


"Huff," Phoenix sat on his bed, his heart pounding from the vivid nightmare that had just haunted him. For the past two days, he had been experiencing eerie occurrences. He kept seeing strange things, like ghostly figures or horrifying visions. The flickering lights and cold door handles had him on edge constantly. He brushed his hands over his face, feeling the need for some water, or perhaps some milk, to calm his nerves. 

Deciding to head to the kitchen, he got up from his bed, only to be taken aback by the sight of Jett standing right in front of his door, dressed in a cozy hoodie.

Startled, Phoenix stammered, "Jett? What are you doing here?"

"Hey... I know it's late, but... can I talk with you for a bit?" Jett's voice carried an obvious tone of embarrassment as she responded. Phoenix understood what might be troubling her. "Nightmares?" he asked gently. Jett, her hands holding her elbows in a scared posture, nodded in response. "Yeah..."

Phoenix nodded sympathetically, understanding her pain. "I got them too," he admitted. "Phoenix, I can't sleep!" Jett expressed, her hand gripping his wrist tightly, seeking comfort in his presence. "Me neither. I uh... I'm gonna get something to drink. How 'bout you come in first?" Phoenix offered, trying to ease her anxiety.

Jett immediately refused, her fear of being left alone evident in her eyes. "No! Let me come with you!" she said, not willing to be separated. Despite his own recent fears, Phoenix couldn't help but be touched by Jett's vulnerability. He chuckled softly and said, "Never thought I'd see you so scared. You're not afraid to go into battles," he teased gently, trying to lighten the mood.

"Shut up! You're scared too, aren't you?" Jett asked, her hands gripping Phoenix's arm for reassurance. "Not anymore," he replied with a faint smile, as they made their way to the kitchen. Phoenix opened the fridge and grabbed some milk, pouring it into two glasses. He handed one to Jett, saying jokingly, "Here, so you'll get taller."

"Urgh, how dare you joke at a time like this!" Jett replied, feigning offense. Phoenix chuckled and apologized, "My bad, trying to lighten up the mood a bit," he said, hoping to ease the tension. At this point, they no longer worried about waking up the other agents. They walked back to Phoenix's room together, finding comfort in each other's presence. 

As they got in the room, Phoenix sat on his bed, while Jett sat on the floor near him. "Things have been going crazy since they caught that blackmailer. Things always get scary and shit when the big man and Cypher start their secret meetings since like two days ago," Phoenix said, his voice filled with concern.

"Yeah. Raze went crazy this morning," Jett replied, her expression mirroring the worry in his tone. 

A moment of silence passed as they both sat quietly, sipping on their milk. The headquarters has indeed been experiencing strange occurrences that have been unsettling some of the agents. Although some agents weren't choked with fear, none remain completely undisturbed. This includes Jett and Phoenix.

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