Chapter 46: The End of Omega

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(Note: This chapter is long as hell... I hope you don't find it boring.)

The Legion's Tower, Omega Earth

Upon receiving an urgent call from Omega Sage, the trio of Yoru, Skye, and Gekko rushed to the top of the tower. As they reached the pinnacle, a tense scene unfolded before them. Sage, her normally composed demeanor replaced by a steely resolve, aimed her Vandal at the active teleporter. She gestured for the others to retrieve their weapons from a nearby locker, and they did so swiftly, standing in formation by her side, firearms at the ready.

Skye, her curiosity and concern evident, couldn't contain her questions any longer. "What's happening, Sage?"

Sage's expression remained focused, her attention unwavering from the ominous portal. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "The teleporter activated so suddenly, even after I cut its power. Be ready for anything."

Gekko turned his attention to his Radivore companions. Focusing on his powers, he reinforced the mental shield he had established earlier, ensuring their protection from the radiation. However, the disquieting energy from beyond the teleporter and the world all around them continued to disturb him.

As the heroes prepared themselves for a confrontation with the Radivores they expected to emerge from the portal, they were met with a surprising and unsettling sight. Stepping through the shimmering gateway was none other than Omen. His claw shaped eyes, once a sign mischief, were vacant and soulless.

The heroes exchanged uneasy glances, their readiness turning into apprehension as they faced this enigmatic and altered version of their former ally. The tower's winds whispered tales of impending danger, and the heroes knew they were about to confront something far more sinister than the Radivores.

Sage's heart plummeted in her chest as her eyes fell upon Omen, or at least the empty shell of a man he once was. "Omen..." she whispered, disbelief and sorrow mixing in her voice. 

Skye, her tone tinged with caution, urged Sage to be wary. "Careful Sage, that's not the Omen we know."

The soulless figure removed the hood which concealed himself, revealing the face of Frederick Wallace—the man Omen had once been. His vacant eyes spoke volumes, a stark transformation that chilled the heroes to their core. "Correct. I am not the Omen you remember," he confessed.

Yoru, catching a crucial detail, narrowed his eyes. "You're the impostor Glitch talked about." 

The soulless entity nodded in agreement. "Correct again. I am Reaver, a being born from the depths of darkness. I've come to claim the Mask of Dimensions on behalf of my master, offering you, heroes, a chance to surrender it without bloodshed."

Yoru's anger flared, his voice laced with frustration. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Unfazed by their hostility, Reaver maintained his eerie composure. "My master requires the mask for his plans, and I'm offering you a choice—hand it over or face death."

Sage, her patience wearing thin, fired a warning shot, narrowly missing Reaver's face. Yet he remained unfazed. Her voice was firm as she delivered a final ultimatum. "Leave this tower now, or we'll have no choice but to eliminate you."

Reaver's already vacant gaze seemed to grow colder, his aura radiating an unsettling chill. "Don't make me kill you, Sage," he warned, his voice void of emotion.

Gekko cast a concerned glance at his companions and noticed their trembling readiness for combat. Reaver pressed on, his words ominous. "The world will be a better place when you wake next. You have my word. All you need to do is surrender the mask." He extended his hand in an eerily calm gesture.

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