Chapter 31: The Legacy of Radiance

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Yoru found himself standing in a place that felt like a dream brought to life. He stood upon the vast area of calm water. The natural mirror stretched out before him like a pristine canvas. The moonlight illuminated the area, casting an ethereal glow that bathed everything in a soft luminescence. The shallow water beneath his ankles acted as a mirror, reflecting the beauty of the surroundings and creating an almost surreal double image of the scenery. It was a sight that stole his breath away.

As he stood there, absorbing the peacefulness of the environment, a voice finally cut through the tranquility. "Riftwalker," the voice echoed, carrying an air of mystery. 

Yoru turned his head towards the source of the voice, his gaze locking onto a figure clad in samurai armor. The man's presence was a stark contrast to the modern world Yoru knew, as if he had emerged from a different era altogether.

Curiosity piqued, Yoru calmly spoke, "Who are you?" The question lingered in the air.

The samurai-clad figure met Yoru's gaze, his demeanor steady and composed. "Yoshimitsu Kiritani, the Pillar of dimensions." he introduced himself, his voice carrying a sense of gravity.

The name struck Yoru like a bolt of lightning, a realization dawning upon him. "Kiritani... So, you're my ancestor?" The words tumbled out of Yoru's mouth, his eyes widening as he pieced together the puzzle before him.

Yoshimitsu's head shook in response, his expression holding a hint of uncertainty. "Unknowable," he replied. "But perhaps I am, if that's what you choose to believe. After all, you possess the ability to tear through dimensional fabrics, which belonged to me and only me," he added, acknowledging Yoru's unique power.

Perplexed by this unexpected encounter and Yoshimitsu's cryptic mention of 'the pillar of dimensions', Yoru's brow furrowed. "Why am I here?" he asked in curiosity and unease.

Yoshimitsu's gaze held a hint of hope as he began to explain. "We needed to speak with you," he said, his tone carrying a gravity that matched his words.

Yoru's attention was then diverted by a celestial spectacle. Eleven more figures appeared as if from the very stars themselves, descending gracefully through the air to stand on the shallow water that surrounded him. Yoru's eyes widened as he took in the presence of these twelve individuals, each emanating an aura of significance.

As the group assembled around him, forming a circle on the reflective surface of the water, Yoshimitsu resumed speaking. "We were once known as the Twelve Pillars of Radiance," he explained, his voice resonating with ancient wisdom.

The Pillar of Reality and the Pillar of Oceans raised their hands in unison, conjuring a swirling whirlpool beneath Yoru's feet. As the water enveloped him, Yoru's senses were overwhelmed by a series of vivid flashes, like shards of memories from a distant past.

Images of a time long gone flickered before Yoru's eyes. He saw landscapes that defied his imagination, civilizations that rose and fell, and faces of people who seemed both familiar and foreign. It was a glimpse into a history that spanned millennia, a tapestry of events that had shaped the present.




The Headquarters, Alpha Earth

Omen was engaged in a rather unexpected activity for someone of his nature – he was knitting. The rhythmic motion of the needles in his hands seemed to soothe his restlessness, a way to pass the time since he didn't require sleep like the others did.

Valorant - Story Mode Imagined - Male ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora