Chapter 2

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Walking through the hallway to the cafeteria is becoming very bothersome for Fourth lately. People will always stop Gemini to say hi or talk to him about random things. Walking with him meaning he would have to stop and stand there awkwardly when Gemini speaks to them. Some people would acknowledge and say hi to him too but most people didn't even bother as if he's invisible there especially the girls.

Gemini would also try to include him in the conversation but it never last long because they would always change subject to not talk more about Fourth.

The girls on the other hand would give Gemini snacks, desserts and sometimes things he mentioned he wanted randomly. They definitely have ulterior motive and after a couple of times by giving him stuffs, they would slip in love letters or a note saying to meet them somewhere after class and most of the time they'll confess to Gemini.

For 14 years Gemini never really received this kind of attention. He's popular, yes. But not the kind of guy people would fall in love with. So the change over the one year period was really drastic to him. He's still not used to people confessing to him whether it's a girl or a guy not like he ever cares about the gender but he's too nice to reject them. However, in the end he had to so he did. He thought having a girlfriend or a boyfriend will distract him from achieving his goals and he would rather not risk that.

"Why is Gemini always with him?"

"Does he not have a mirror?"

"He's so fat where does he even get his outfits from?"

"If I was Gemini I'll pick a better looking friend to hang out with."

"It's probably only because of his daddy's money Gemini is friend with him, what a loser."

It'll be a lie if Fourth didn't hear those nasty words people were throwing at him but does he care? Not unless Gemini cares.

"Go have a seat, I'll get us lunch.", Gemini smiles at Fourth before motioning him to sit at their usual table.

Mark is already waiting at their table with his boyfriend, Ford. They're the high school sweetheart, they have been together since they were 14. Both of them are pretty open about their relationship and the people at school never seems to mind them. Some even ship them together with the #MarkFord4eva it's pretty comical to be honest.

Fourth greets them and then takes a seat infront of them both. His face appears a little solemn after hearing those mean things people has been whispering about him and not like his usual smiley self. Ford noticed and he knew what made his friend sad. He had been hearing a lot of students talking about Fourth thanks to the rising of Gemini's popularity and with him always by his side, the heat got to Fourth as well.

He reached out to pat Fourth's hand, "Don't listen to them, they're a bunch of assholes that's not worth our time."

Fourth nods his head to that, "I don't care anyway, unless Gemini cares."

"Classic Fourth... But hey, you should still put yourself first sometimes. What will you do if you both didn't get into the same university?"

"Then I'll just have to make sure we get into the same university."

"It doesn't work like... Well-", Ford turns to look at Mark for help, he's getting worried about Fourth's dependency on Gemini. He's afraid that if one day they got separated that Fourth will have a hard time.

"Fourth we know you have all the resources to get into the same university as Gemini but you guys have different interests in major. You would end up in different faculties and that means you can't be together all the time. What I'm saying is not for you to completely separate from Gemini but that it's okay if he's not with you all the time.", Mark continued.

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