Chapter 14

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Gemini's POV

I can't believe Fourth came to the audition. Never in a million years this moment would ever cross my mind. He never mentioned anything about wanting to be in this industry after all those years hearing me speaks all highly about it.

What changed his mind?

That aside he was really great at what he's doing. I could tell that he have the natural talent for acting and I always knew he's good at playing the musical instruments but to be that good at singing.

Everything about him now is new to me. It's like I'm meeting a completely new person.

He's not the Fourth that I knew anymore but in a way I felt proud and sad...

I'm proud that he found himself.

But sad that I wasn't there to witness it.


It has been a month since the audition and this is the first day of workshop for the series. I don't know what to expect and I don't know what to say to him.

Should I say sorry first? Or should I feign ignorance again? Or do I-

"Surprise!", Milk showed up out of nowhere with a paper bag in her hand cutting my trance of thoughts.

"Milk. What are you doing here?", she did caught me of guard since I wasn't expecting her to be here. She's not a part of this series.

"I'm here to support you with your crush, duh. Getting to play in the same series as your first love. How romantic.", she spun around dramatically clasping her hands together.

"You know it's not gonna be like that. I'm stressed out because I don't know what to say to him. It's been so long and we didn't part ways nicely. Would he even speak to me?", I sighed as I lean back on my chair.

Milk places her hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze. "What do you have in mind right now? Do you want to make up with him or just want to act professionally for the sake of work?"

"It's a lie if I said I didn't want to make up with him but would he even forgive me?"

"You did all that back then to protect him. I'm sure he's gonna go easy on you at least. Just start with a sincere apology."

"But how if it happens again? I have more fans now, how if more of my fans threaten to hurt him like before. I can never forgive myself if anything happens to him because of me."

"Don't be a dramatic bitch. You have money, power and fame now. Use that wisely. You think I wasn't scared when I first got into a relationship with Love?", she plops down next to me on the couch of the practice room.

"You have more knowledge on how to handle those kind of situations now. Just don't repeat the same mistakes you did back then. Plus your dating ban has been lifted. Enjoy your youth! Man I can't believe you're still a virgin.", Milk side eyed me.

It's true. All those years I just buried myself into my work and studies. I never go out partying or dating anyone. I tried a couple of times to have a fling or one night stand but I could never go beyond kissing them.

The dating ban. That was one of the reason I had to cut off all my contacts with Fourth. P'Tha had imposed the rule when he agreed to help me protect Fourth. It's not just for me but mainly for the people around me that will be sticking to me once I gain my fame. It was his fair warning that he will push me to my maximum potential as long as I focused solely in the industry.

The ban however has been lifted recently and I did planned on coming back to Fourth, shameless I know but little did I know all of these would happen.

It was also never my intention to be mean or cold towards Fourth but I just didn't know how to act in the moment, purely out of shock.

"Stop making fun of me who's able to keep it in his pants unlike you horny teenagers. I still can't erase the image of you and Love going at it in a public pool! I had to wash my eyes with holy water.", it happened on our filming trip to Phuket when I couldn't sleep and wanted to take a walk on the beach but found the lovebirds doing the dirty out and about.

"To my defence it was 3am, why were you even out at that time? It's your fault.", she shrugged casually. "Also here, my beautiful girlfriend made extra lunch for you. She wanted to come and support you but she gotta handle her makeup brand launch.", Milk handed over the paper bag which I gratefully took.

"Send my thank you to her. She's the sweetest."

"Duh, she's my girlfriend."

"Kay, you can stop flexing your successful relationship to me. I'm never gonna be in one ever."

"What about, Fourth?"

"He already have a boyfriend, remember?"

"Right... But it's never wrong to try....", she said as she moves closer to me wiggling her brows weirdly.

"Stop that and no. I'm not trying to ruin his relationship although I badly want to date him. I just want to be his friends again."

"Sure thing. Just friends...", she stucked out her tongue which I mimicked. Both of us just looking like a fool making faces at each other in the corner of the room not realising that other staffs and actors are watching.


Why am I so nervous? I was never nervous when I'm acting with a girl before. Am I this gay?

But goddamn why is Fourth so beautiful today? And he smells so nice too.

Shit my heart is beating so fast. Can he hear it since we're this close? Fuck. Damn.

We're gazing into each other's eyes right now to "get used to each other" before practicing our parts.

"Okay that's good. Now let's get to the first scene.", the acting coach said which I right away tear my gaze from Fourth's.

It was too nerve wrecking for me to look into his orbs like that after so long. I'm not one who cares about physical appearance but Fourth has grown into a very very beautiful man.

His chubby face was gone replaced with a chiselled jaw. His natural pink lips and cheeks still remains. His moles. Those sinfully attractive moles.

I have to look away or I might start drooling.

The workshop took over 3 hours before the coach called it a day. Other than my constant racing heart, I managed to act professionally and Fourth did too.

"Hey, can I have a minute?", I managed to say before he walks out of the practice room.

"What for?", Fourth asked shortly.

"I need to talk to you about... Everything that happened."

"That won't take a minute."

"You're right. So can we talk over lunch or something?", I asked with hopefulness. I want to apologise to him, I don't want to drag this any longer.

"I didn't have packed lunch."

"Oh we can just go grab a bite at the restaurant nearby or something. I'm kinda feeling Japanese food, how about you? Do you still like Japanese food?

"Didn't your girlfriend packed you lunch?

"Huh? Whose girlfriend?", last time I checked I'm so single and not ready to mingle.

"Yours. The pretty actress. The one that sat with you on the couch just now.", Fourth answered.

"Milk? My girlfriend?! Ahahha no way, she's not. I'm still single.", I flashes him a smile.

Did he saw us together and thought we're dating? That's cute. Is he jealous?

No way he have a boyfriend already.

"I see.", he nodded. "Anyway, I'm fine with Japanese food."

"Great, I'll lead the way."

What Was I Made For? ( GeminiFourth )Where stories live. Discover now