Chapter 20

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Third Person's POV

"Both of your schedules will be on hold until Gemini gets well enough to work since both of your schedules right now are as a couple."

Mae Yui explained about GeminiFourth's work situation while dropping off lunch for them. Gemini has been in the hospital for 4 days and Fourth never left his side not even for a second.

It is by choice but also not because Gemini has been super clingy and wouldn't let Fourth go anywhere. Privacy? For the past 4 days Fourth didn't know what that means.

Gemini would even shout from his bed asking if Fourth is still there when he's in the en-suite bathroom trying to do his business. Fourth also had to ask his driver to send his change of clothes and toiletries since he's been making the couch in Gemini's hospital room his cocoon to sleep on every night.

"Ah Nong Fourth, the producer asked for you to listen to this tape and make changes accordingly for the lyrics.", Mae Yui handed Fourth a black pendrive.

"Alright. Then I'd have to go home..... Since I have work to do....", Fourth purposely dragged his words as he side eyes towards Gemini who's already on edge.

"No! You can just do it here. You just need your laptop and headphones. Your driver can get it for you again. Or or- I'll just order a new one for you there's a same day delivery.", the patient on the bed whining, the cool pop star persona has left the room.

Mae Yui who's already so used to Gemini's antics for the past days just shakes her head before patting Fourth on the shoulder knowing there's nothing she could do to help the newbie artist because if she could, Fourth would've been home by now.

"You two sort this out on your own. I don't want to add more headaches for myself. I'm old enough. Goodbye", she flashes a mischievous smile before leaving the room.

Fourth who is still in disbelief can't help but feel helpless after Mae Yui left them again. It's not like he can't just up and leave, he could, because what is Gemini gonna do? Come after him? He can't even stand up on his own.

However the feeling of guilt and longing made him stay. His heart ache seeing the person that he loves, someone who's always active on his feet suddenly got bedridden because he saved him.

It has also been fun spending time with Gemini although they mostly do nothing. It's as if they're back in their high school days. The rough past were slowly dissolving from their memories.

It's just the two of them again.

"You're such a pain in the ass.", Fourth finally said as he takes a seat on the couch, taking his phone that's next to him in order to text his driver to bring him what he needs for work. He have to do it here either way.

"Heyy you can't call a hero, pain in the ass. I superman my way to save you, okay. That's why I'm here, so you gotta take care of me.", Gemini huffs as he playfully said his words. A part of him knew that he's taking advantage of the situation but that's his plan.

He's going to use this card to get closer and closer to Fourth until he gets what he wants.

But what actually does he want?

To be friends with Fourth again?

Or more than that?

"Hero yeah sure.", Fourth rolls his eyes as he tosses his phone aside. "Argh I need some fresh air. Let's go out, big baby.", it's Gemini's new nickname that Fourth has given him since he got injured because of his clinginess and dependence on Fourth to move around.

The smaller pushes the wheelchair and positions it infront of Gemini's bed before helping him get on it. It's also been one of their daily routine to take a stroll around the hospital's park to avoid being cooped up all day in the room.

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