Chapter 22

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Fourth's POV

After a couple therapy sessions Gem finally able to move his leg with the help of a walking stick which also means he's officially discharged from the hospital.

The first day back home was kind of peculiar in a way. I don't have a whiny big baby on my back 24/7 and oddly enough I don't know what to do with my day.

Gem got back to his apartment where his aunt who lives 2 hours away stepped up to look after him for a while. He obviously refused at first saying I could be taking care of him but his aunt insisted.

Mae Yui expected for us to be able to start promoting our series back next week but for now, our schedule is still empty.

I know I should now be addressing the elephant in the room which is my boyfriend(?) can I even call him that still(?), P'Pond.

I've been trying to reach out to him but to no avail, his phone is turned off. However, I did left him a couple messages to talk about what happened in hope that he will soon reply.

But right now I'm practically rotting in my house not knowing what to do.

A sighs leaving my system as I stare blankly at the TV screen infront of me. Me and Gem has been watching this series on Netflix up until episode 8 before leaving the hospital so now I'm trying to watch the rest of the series but nothing is registering inside my head.

A sudden call makes me jumped up a little in my seat before I quickly gathers my composure back to pick up the phone.

'Asshole 🤡'

Oh it's Gem.

I forgot that I still haven't changed his name on my phone. When I first got his number, I was still very mad at him but for work I had to save his number so I decided to save it as that.


"Heyy, you busy?", Gem asked rather impatiently.

"No, why?"

"Ohh same, I'm not busy too hehe."

"I figured.", he couldn't see it but I'm practically rolling my eyes at his stupidity right now.

"So watcha doing?"

"Watching the series."

"What episode are you on now?"

I look up at the screen to check because honestly I don't know at what episode it's been since I've been spacing out instead of watching it.

"Hmm ep 10 I think.", I answered.

"Ahh I'm at ep 11 but actually I don't understand what's going on. I've been spacing out. It's much more fun watching the series with you but now that I'm watching it alone. The series is no fun."

"Are you trying to flirt with me?", I said teasingly.

"Yeah is it working?"

A sudden heat can be felt creeping up my ears.

"You should try harder.", despite feeling slightly affected by his words, I don't want to show any signs of me falling for it.

"Okay. What about a date?"

"To where? I don't want to spend my date carrying you around."

"My house. It's not as big but I have a lot of cool things to do here. I'm sure we'll have a fun date."

"Isn't your aunt there?", it feels weird but talking to Gem makes me feel sleepy. It's so comforting to hear his soft voice it makes me want to lay down on the couch.

What Was I Made For? ( GeminiFourth )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon