Special Chapter (1) - PondPhuwin

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Pond's POV

A sigh leaving my mouth as I stare into the mirror while taking my cap off before tugging my hair back frustratingly. After the talk with Fourth I excused myself to go to the bathroom since I could barely hold onto my emotions.

Honestly, I'm not okay at all. I pretended I was strong, like it didn't matter much to me because I don't want Fourth to feel guilt. I know how he is, he will never stop beating himself up if he knew how I actually feel.

However, I feel like it is my fault. I know he will never love me but I still tried. The very thing that distinguishes us both is that I wouldn't hesitate to choose him in every lifetime but he wouldn't even choose me in this one.

Although I gave him my flash and bones, I know I cannot love him into loving me. So there he is overflowing with my love and here I am pleading for a droplet of his or whatever I could salvage.

There must come a time where you recognise that to grieve someone, hurts a lot less than forcing them to be a part of you. I know I should not beg for his love but just once I wanted someone to be afraid of losing me too.

So I had to. I had to let him go. To the one he actually love.

"Did he broke up with you?", a voice came from behind me, one that I could almost recognise.

I look to the side of the mirror to see one of the GMMTV's artist that I saw during the after party. I couldn't remember his name but his face kinda pissed me off.

He looks awfully similar to Gemini and the last thing I want to do right now is stare at someone who's partly responsible for my broken heart.

I'm nice. But I'm not that kind.

So instead I averts my eyes back to look at myself. I straighten my posture before putting my cap back on.

"That has nothing to do with you.", I answered before nodding my head to excuse myself.

"I knew it would happen sooner or later.", the guy continues.

"Yeah and?", why is this guy who I barely knows trying to get on my nerve right now.

"I was waiting for my opportunity to come.", he said all too confidently.

"Too late. Gemini closed the opportunity already.", I figured he was talking about Fourth because let's be honest he is very popular amongst the guys. No doubt a lot of people has been waiting for him to break up with me.

"Why would Gemini close it?"

"Listen.... I'm not in the right mind to be speaking to you about this right now. So if you could just leave me alone."

"I was talking about you."


"I was waiting for an opportunity for me to hit on you. Can I court you now?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I've liked you since the day my eyes landed on you but then you were introduced as someone's boyfriend so I backed off but now that you're single again. I could flirt with you, right?"

I'm honestly shocked by his straightforwardness to the point that I don't have a comeback which is so unlike me.

"What a funny joke."

"It's not a joke. I'm serious. Can I have your LINE ID?"



"I don't even remember your name."

"Ouch. Meanwhile I already planned our weddings together in my head?", he fakes his sadness as he put his hand on his chest clutching it.

"You're weird."

"Heard that a lot. But I just know what I want and if I want it I'll get it."

"There's always a first for everything. So no. I'm gonna leave now.", before he could say anything anymore, I rushes out of the bathroom and makes my way out of the cafe.

What a peculiar turn of event.


A couple days passed without me being in contact with Fourth as much anymore. I've finished all my projects for this semester and I barely get any modelling jobs anymore because I was not flexible with my availability to shoot.

Thus, today I have no plans no nothing. Most of my friends are either busy with work or busy with their own partners. What a life.

I decided to go to one of the car themed cafes where they display vintage cars and use car accessories as their tableware sets which I find to be interesting as someone who loves cars.

I roam around the compound, snapping a couple pictures before taking a seat near the window. Its actually such a nice day today, the weather is nice, the cafe is peaceful with not so many people and the coffee served is actually great too.

All was good until 20 minutes later when the person who I still don't remember his name magically appears infront of me with a smirk on his face.

"We meet again. Must be destiny.", he help himself by sitting across from my seat before casually ordering his drink.

"I don't believe in destiny cause if there is I'd be happy a long time ago."

"Maybe your destiny just hadn't come yet. But fret not I'm here now."

"Are you stalking me or something? How did you know I'm here?"

He pulls up his phone to show me the Instagram story I posted when I took a picture of the vintage cars upfront.

"I've been here before so I recognised the car. Plus, there's only one of the 1966 Triumph Sport Spitfire in Thailand and it's here.", he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"You talk cars?", I asked surprised. Not to be that person but he doesn't look like someone who would love cars.

"Pffft- Have you seen my cars?"

He opens up his photo gallery app to show me a bunch of car pictures presumably his, all from modern car to classic cars and even some of the latest EV cars.

"You have all of those?"

"Yeah, my dad owns a car dealership and since I've been working as an actor at a very young age, I've got a bunch of money saved up so I invested in cars then I rent it out. Be it for driving purposes or display purposes. It's kinda like the side business I'm working on."

If I'm a cartoon character, I'm pretty sure my eyes are shining right now. He owns a lot of pretty rare cars and some of the latest one that I really want to try. I wish I have a business mind like him to do so but my dad told me I'm too softhearted to become an entrepreneur. He said I would just sell for cheap because I will feel bad for the buyers. That wouldn't be good for my business for sure.

"I can take you to see it if you want...."

"Really?!", I asked slightly interested.

"Yeah, if you give me your LINE ID."

"Nah. You can't coax me with that."

"Even when I said you could test drive the Ferrari Purosangue that just arrived at the showroom?"

"No way!"

"Yes way!"

"Actually, no. Keep trying."

He suddenly grins ear to ear while staring at me.

"You said it yourself naa. You told me to keep trying. So I can flirt with you naa. No take backs."

"That's not what I mean-"

"That's exactly what you mean!"

Haaaaa.... He will never live it down it seems like. I just have to deal with this until he gets bored of me and leaves me alone.

Hopefully soon.



Maybe hopefully never....

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