Chapter 26

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Fourth's POV

Love is not the only thing that matters in this world but my oh my love is such a beautiful thing to experience.

Love is not just about two people being in love but it's about understanding and reciprocating those love into actions and words.

Love is not just about romanticising life with another person but it's also about being comfortable in your own skin.

Love is not just about falling in love with someone new but it could also be the appreciation you have for your family.

Love is not about being theirs or having them as yours but it could also be about supporting them even from a distance.

I didn't know enough to realise that I'm blessed to have all of it.

Body image has ruined my self confidence, my relationship with my loved one and my trust in the society. It's such a pettifogging feeling that could destroy someone if not taken care of but inevitably in the world that we live in now, body image is everything.

Beauty standards to start.

Why is that a thing? Why do we need to fit into the standard? Why do we need to measure someone's beauty on the basis of one singular data?

Not everyone can fit in a box. And not everyone wants to fit in that box.

Skinny, fat, tall, short, pale, dark, thick hair, bald, crooked teeth, veneers, big nose, sharp nose, cheekbones, apple cheeks, filler lips, thin lips, sharp jaw, soft jaw. Every single individuals in this world are different.

Even siblings, even twins can look the opposite of each other. So how can you standardise beauty?

If beauty was defined by one rule, why do you think God make every single person different from one another?

For the longest time I've hated myself for it, I blamed myself for it, I thought I didn't deserve love because of the way I look. But how wrong was I?

"Fotfot, you do know that I've loved you ever since we're kids, right? Since we're still small, since you're my cute little chubby peach and now that you've grown to be such a beguiling angel.", Gemini said as he gently tucks away my hair behind my ear.

"I saw the way you tugged on your shirt because it's tight. I know you're feeling guilty for yourself that we've been so busy with our schedules that you can't go to the gym as much as before so you think you've gained weight."

My eyes wonders everywhere else but not on him, I feel exposed. I'm fully dressed yet I feel naked. He could read me like an open book. I didn't even realised I was acting so obvious with my insecurities that he could notice.

"I saw that you lingered a little longer while reading those comments about your looks under your Instagram pictures.", Gem holds my cheeks softly with his palm as he tilts my head up to look at him in the eyes.

"But Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul, I wish you could see yourself in my place for once. I wish you could see yourself through me. Because if you could, you would realise how beautiful you are. That every inch of you is perfect. No matter what's your size, the colour of your skin, how tall you are, if your eyes are small or big. It doesn't matter to me because you'll always be gorgeous in my eyes.", he leans down, leaving an affectionate kiss on my forehead.

"If only I could Inside Out my way into your brain and control it for a day. You'd believe what I said right now. Can you believe me, my love?"

"I- I will try my best.", is the best answer I could come up with. Of course I believed in Gemini but to get rid of these deep rooted hatred you have for yourself is not easy.

I'm thankful to have people around me that's been helping me to realise all of those. Be it Gem, my family, my friends and P'Pond. I'm thankful to all.

"I love you. I always do and always will.", his lips catching mine afterwards into a slow and savoury kiss as we pulls ourselves closer to each other, wanting to feel every part our bodies together.

"I love you too, my Gemini.", I uttered as we broke the kiss with a slight pant which earned me a wide smile from the taller.

I know that if we're not backstage right now, something else might've happened but the cue in our earpiece pulls the both of us back into reality.

"1 minute before the stage lift.", we look at each other before nodding encouragingly.

"Let's do this!"

"Let's do it!"

It's our closing song at our My Turn Concert which is a surprise duet song I've written for us. We know that no one is anticipating this but this could be a foreshadowing for them Khunoos about our future.

"The song will start in






hit it, boys."

The lift gets us both onto the stage as the music starts with Gemini opening the song while I dance with a couple of the back up dancers.

(AN: Recomended to listen to Stupid in Love by Max and Hyunjin)

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
There's something about your eyes,
Tell me these feelings are mutual,
'Cause feelings are so hard to fight...

Know it's a little soon, maybe,
But I'd go anywhere you take me,
Long as you're calling me, baby,
They can all call us crazy...

Let's get married in Vegas,
We don't need guest list,
I don't wanna think too much.

Let's get matching tattoos,
I don't wanna think it through,
Baby, I'm so stupid in love,
So stupid in love with you,

I move towards the center of the stage while the dancers disperse to the side when my part of the song comes.

Hi, you came,
Babe, I've been waiting for you all day,
So lean my way,
And let me just take away all the pain...

I know it's a bit soon for vows,
Paper rings are good for now,
But know, I'm already down the aisle,
'Cause I'm so stupid in love...

Let's get married in Vegas,
We don't need guest list,
I don't wanna think too much.

Let's get matching tattoos,
I don't wanna think it through,
Baby, I'm so stupid in love.

Book a flight to Paris only one way,
What'd you think about sharing our last name?
Let's get straight to "I do",
I don't wanna think it through,
Baby, I'm so stupid in love...

We sang the last part of the song together as we both holds our stares at each other while walking closer to the center of the stage.

I bravely takes Gemini's hands into mine with my unoccupied hand, holding the microphone still towards my lips before continuing.

"Let's get married.", I said before leaning in to kiss him infront of thousands of our fans at the Rajamangala Stadium.

He returns my kiss before answering into his own microphone.

"Hello, Fourth Nattawat Titicharoenrak."

What Was I Made For? ( GeminiFourth )Where stories live. Discover now