Caught Up

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Caught Up

JOSIE TAP'S THE STEERING WHEEL in thought. Wondering if she should get a prescription for sleep medication, she had thought that maybe she could start going to sleep earlier maybe she wouldn't wake up from nightmares. Eventually, they go away on their own, she didn't have them for a few nights, and they came back after she had been looking at her necklace for a little too long.

"This is the third time this month that he got himself caught in his own trap." Alex speak's up, she looked over to her friend in the driver's seat. "Jo?" She say's.

She keep's her stare forward. "Josie." She speaks up.

"What?" Josie says looking between her and the road. She can see the concern in her friend's eyes. "Hey, I'm okay I went to bed to late." She reassure's her.

"Who is this guy?" Levi ask's them. Josie wipe's her eye looking back at him then to the road. "Uh a Doom's day prepper, like the kind you see in those apcolypse shows." She explain's.

"Oh like Bill from The Last Of Us." Levi compare's, she shrug's, she had played the video game before though gave up after she had to kill a dog to survive, being an avid animal lover. "Yeah kind of." She say''s.

"If Bill was a paranoid old man living in California blaming all of his issues on the government," Josie tells him. "He doesent remembers where his trap's are sometime's he get's caught in them." She tell's him.

"And this is a normal thing for you?" Levi wonder's, she nod's her head. "You think after almost a month of being here you would know this place isn't normal." She say's.

The ambulance pull's up in front of a light blue farmhouse, surrounded by multiple trees. She puts the rig in the park as she gets out, quickly grabbing her first aid. She can hear the crie's of a man. Alex and Levi follow after their friend as they walk toward's a man hanging from a tree by a rope.

"Arggh, Betty!" The old man crie's, he let's out a cry of pain as he swing's from back and forth. An older women in a pink plaid robe run's out seeing the EMTs. "Oh thank god your here." She say's.

"What happended?" Josie ask's her, she stammer's with her arm's crossed. "He was checking the trap line but he tripped and he got snagged in the rope." She explain's.

"I'm fine."Burt reasure's them, Josie shake's her head. "Burt, did you know where the trip wire was?" Alex ask's him, he nod's.

"I know more than you ever will." He tell's the blonde. She roll's her blue eye's at his words. Levi squint's his eye's looking up at the wire trap the man was caught in, noticing that he was leg was bent in a way that wasnt normal.

"Excuse me sir." He speak's up, the old man eye's the dark haired man. "What are you new?" He ask's him, he ignore's his question.

"When you were picked up by your wire, did you feel anything break?" He ask's him, he scoff's at him shaking his head.

"What do you think? Think I dont know my own traps." He say's as he continued to swing.

His brown eye's look to dark blue sweatpant's, a dark stain. "Guy's." He point's out, both girl's look up at what he is pointing to.

"Probably a broken tibia." Josie hypotheses. Alex nod's in agreement. "He is gonna need transport and a drip for the pain." Alex add's.

"Nothing we can do if we cant get him and I dont think we are qualified to get him down." Levi remind's them, she drop's her hand's at her side. "Good point." She say's.

"What!" Betty exclaim's. "Can't you get him down yourselves your paramedics?" She ask's them, oh here we go again, time for the explanation, Josie thinks.

"As much as we would like to do so, that is beyond our qualifications." Josie tell's her, she look's over to Alex.

"Sir, is there a way we can get you down without hurting your further?" Levi wonders, the old man cries out as he trie's to wiggle himself out of his own trap. "Hey Hey dont do that." He warn's the man.

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