Off The Record

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Off The Record

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Off The Record

JOSIE LEANED HER HEAD BACK, letting the liquid of the shot glasses flow down her throat. She squints her eye's. She groan's as her brown eye's opened, watering from the alcohol. Alex looked over at her best friend, smiling. 

"Was this a good idea?" Alex asks her, she furrowed her brow.

"What, yes of course." Josie exclaims, she leaned over the table reaching for the shot glass. 

"I..we deserve this." Josie states. She downs the shot of tequila, squatting her eyes with a groan. She shakes her head.

"Why do I even get tequila shots, I dont even like hard alcohol." Josie admits. 

"I know I know, but I like your commitment." Alex tells her patting her on her shoulders. 

Josie had done her hair and put on more makeup than usual.  A smokey eyeliner with maroon eyeshadow.  Usually she didn't wore crop top to places, tonight she was feeling that it was right. She had to admit she felt better wearing her leather pants and studded heel boot. 

"So where the heck is Rookie?" Alex asks her, she shrugs her shoulder's pulling out her phone, looking at the last text from her friend, he was only ten minutes away, sent five minutes ago.  She looks up. 

"He will be here soon." Josie states, she sighed patting the table top.

"Im excited to meet his fiance." She says with a smile. 

"He is the one guy Ive ever met who just loves his wife." Josie says, Alex chuckled nodding her head. 

"He isnt awful." Alex says plainly. 

"That means a lot coming from you." Josie says, she pick's up her phone.

"When did that happen?" Alex speaks up, she looks. 

"When did what happen?" She asks her, the blonde eyed across the room. She looks over seeing, Buck, Chimney and a brunete she had never seen before. 

 "Huh, when did Chem get a girlfriend?" Josie ask's turning around. Alex shrugs.

"Good for him." She say's, the two chuckled. 

Least he has someone, Josie think's sadly. She lean's her head back downing the tequila.

"Oh my god what do i keep doing that?!" She exclaims in disgust. 

"Just order something different." Alex tells her. She squints her eyes shaking off the burning feeling of alcohol in her throat. 

"Im good." Josie reasure's her. 

"There he is." Alex say's. Josie look's up seeing the curly haired man with a woman with dark brown skin and curly black hair. Styled into half up half down.  The couple look's over seeing the two woman. 

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