A social hand

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To Thing's surprise, Wednesday had released him as soon as she returned home from her technology shopping.

"You are lucky miserable appendage that I need you to understand how to use this contraption."

Thing did not seem very willing to cooperate and "has his back" to Wednesday.

"I imagined such a reaction."

The girl then lays down an envelope filled with the highest quality hand products.

Let's get to work.

Because she didn't want to dive too deep into technology, Wednesday settled for a very ordinary laptop from Samsung, not even Apple. It seemed so much glitz and cliché to her to get such a computer.

On Wednesday, I soon realized that to trace a number that had been anonymized and be able to discover the identity of anonymous cell phone is virtually impossible and even she would not be able to assimilate the procedure or at any rate the methods that could lead to such a result.

A book thrown against a wall, and had it not been for Thing parting with it in front of the axe that until recently hung above Wednesday's bed, it would now have cut the computer and desk in two.

"Damn, I'll have to wait until I get more clues. Thing I'll give you the computer. I'm going to go practice a little with the axe."

Are you sure it's the lack of clues? You could turn to professional Darkweb hackers as ironically recommended by WikiHow. You haven't even tried, won't you be..... distracted by something.... Or someone?

Wednesday ignores the hand twitching and leaves the room with the axe over her shoulder.

"Pugsley come here, I need your help."

Thing , left alone in Wednesday's room with the computer, decides to go on a rampage, downloading social media, including Instagram, Tik Tok and even Facebook.

Okay what Thing did not expect was that pictures of a male hand, full of scars, with beautiful manicures could go viral in less than a few hours. During his stay at Nevermore, after befriending Enid, Thing was subjected to countless manicure sessions with the wolf girl. Not that this displeased her, but let's just say it had increased his vanity.

Enid always did photo shoots for her after each session, and specifically one session involved three to four different nail styles, so 100 to 500 photos per session. Thing had obviously cropped them so as not to show the fact that it was a severed hand and had slowly posted it. Following Enid's suggestions when she saw her posting her of photos on her social media, I use the #'s, music, and anything else that is supposed to get attention.

But even he didn't hope that a hand with peculiar manicures could attract more than that much attention, but he made something like 10,000 followers in an hour and a half, he practically felt like a star, a future influencer. He had forgotten that he was just an appendage and that everyone who looked at his profile, his pictures thought that was a hand attached to a body.

He was distracted when Enid appeared among the suggestions of who to follow on Instagram. After all, he had not thought to look for Nevermore students; he had wanted to make a social profile for himself and to bring his art (AND Enid's) to the world.

When I opened Enid's profile obviously starting to follow it, noticed a strange thing, Enid was always posting a post and 3 to 10 stories a day. The last post on the girl's profile was from her farewell day at Nevermore. A selfie in the dorm room in the background of which Wednesday could also be seen.

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