You Again?

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"Where the hell have you been?"

Wednesday's murderous stare frightens the hell out of Enid, but this state of shock lasts only a few seconds when she sees Wednesday covered and pregnant with blood.

"Oh my God! Wednesday! What happened to you? Whose blood is all this?"

Enid snaps forward but the moment I put a hand on Wednesday's shoulder, she opens her eyes wide, which turn back to white, her head snaps upward and her completely stiffened and convulsing body falls fortunately into Enid's arms.

Wednesday was somewhat surprised; it had been a while since she had had any visions, and then this one was not similar to the ones she had had before, and she certainly did not expect to be faced with....

"Goody? I understood that I will never be there again magazines."

The girl in front of her is practically the blank version of her, and hearing Wednesday's words, she looks at herself as if she is not aware of what she looks like.

"Oh well, actually I do look like Goody, but I'm not her quiet, what you're having is yes a psychic vision but it's neither of the future in the past, it's a vision of the inner self."

Wednesday advances some ominous steps.

"What a vomitous thing are you saying?"

The girl with Goody's appearance raises her hands and takes a few steps back.

"Easy girl..... I know it sounds silly but in theory I'm all that part of you that you hate and have always repressed and that your bond with Enid and the Addams curse made it take a little extra space in your head, I'm kind of the you if you weren't an Addams."

Wednesday's look of pure disgust was beautiful to the other.
After all, for her that was a part that had never existed before Enid, it was the blonde who had caused that little glimmer of light to come on in her.

"Yes...most likely I took Goody's appearance and we find ourselves in this foggy forest, in front of Crackstone's crypt, because your subconscious when you had the vision reconnected everything to these events, most likely you gave me this appearance but we are in our subconscious and in the end we can be where and how we want to be."

All of a sudden they found themselves in their dorm room, Wednesday sitting on her bed while Goody, who now looked totally different, was sitting on Enid's bed.

"Where do you get this aspect from instead?"

The girl who was looking at her new manicure at the time brings her attention to Wednesday.

"Most likely you must have seen this kind of outfit and these beautiful, amazing nails in some of Enid's magazines."

Again Wednesday had the feeling of vomiting, accompanied by a strong feeling of wanting to commit suicide knowing that what was in front of her was a part of her.
A girl with brown rather than raven hair, a complexion no longer cadaverous but Latin American, a fashionable outfit, beautiful red nails with white patterns.

"You can't really be a part of me, you're all I can hate, not even Enid is that irritating."

"Enid is your perfect torture and everything you loathe, let's say you so much that she comes full circle and becomes perfect for you. You love torture and what better than to be paired for eternity with the person who is your perfect living torture."

On Wednesday, you can't pinch off a word, the reasoning of she inner self runs too smoothly in she Addams mind.

"By the way, one thing I didn't tell you.... this vision was caused by Goody, you won't be able to see her anymore anyway or make contact with her but she keeps guiding you or at least tries to but you're more stubborn than a mule--than a headless mule."

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