DORM (Bang Chan POV) 2/3

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Once we arrived at the dorm, I went straight to my bedroom to chill out. It was such a stressful day, and I felt really bad for Y/N. Her boyfriend really said that he was going to sleep with her sister. I sighed. He even said it in front of her.

"That was a loud sigh," Felix said, then imitated a sigh to mock me. "Thinking about Y/N? What happened." I wanted to say no, but how could I lie to one of my favorite sons?

"Yeah, it's just her boyfriend-" He cut me off, of course, he did.

"Ooooh so you're thinking about her, I think about her a lot too," Felix said,

"You met her today?" I said, confused, did he have a crush?

"Doesn't matter, she inspires me. Anyway, finish your story." Felix replied.

"Well, I went into her house because I feared what her sister could do. She called me a hot Australian guy... anyway I walked in then we heard banging at the door and it was her boyfriend. He yelled at her, broke up with her, then said he was going to sleep with her sister." I said, finally uninterrupted. Seungmin popped his head upright when I said that.

"Did you say, sleep with her sister?" Seungmin asked, flabbergasted.

"Yeah, and also I think those are the first words I heard you say all day." I replied.

"Well yeah, meeting new people scares me and also that girl was like my lookalike, so it was even more scary." Seungmin said.

"Hah, maybe you have a long-lost sister." Felix said he and I giggle.

"Not funny dude, I do have a long-lost sister." Seungmin said. Felix and I's faces turned white as a ghost. "Just kidding, I really got you there, didn't I?" We all broke out laughing. The conversation was over, so then I went to my room, luckily none of my roommates were in there. I had a lot to think about. Like if I should put some shrimp on the Barbie, just kidding. I'm not that Australian, but I really was concerned about Y/N. There had to be something I could have done for her.


"ONE SECOND." I yelled out, of course, I was always interrupted, even in my own thoughts. I exited my room and saw them laying on the ground waiting for me.

"FINALLY, MY FAVORITE HONEY BEAR IS UP FROM HIS SLUMBER!" Felix shouted in my direction, racing toward me. I dodged him.

"Ok, let's start." Minho said, obviously sleepy. We continued to play Uno for most of the night, I won most of the rounds and Minho fell asleep halfway through the first round.

We all walked to our rooms and fell asleep. Before I heard a loud crashing noise and woke up.

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