COME OUT (Felix POV) 1/4

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I stormed to my room, slamming the door behind me. I heard Seungmin call my name. I opened it for him then locked the door and sunk to the ground against the wall, pulling my knees to my chest.

I had to tell them.

I started quietly crying. "I'm going to come out to them." I stated, looking up at Seungmin, his eyes wide.

He sat next to me. "Are you sure?" His voice was soft. I nodded firmly before rubbing my eyes with one of the sleeves of my hoodie.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Seungmin said as he put his arm around me.

"I want to." I said it with more confidence than I actually had in the statement. "But I'm scared." That was the catch, I didn't know if I could do it.

"They've shown support to the community before." He shrugged, trying to ease my fear. "Plus many Stays are gay." His attempts weren't quite working.

"But it might be different if it's me!" I sighed, only exaggerating it slightly. Seungmin looked curiously at me, unsure of what I meant. "I've known them for years, and I see them every day. Plus, they already thought I was dating you. They might stop liking me in fear that I have a crush on one of them." Tears rolled down my cheeks, I sniffled and tried to wipe them away with my hand.

"They love you too much to ever hate you." He said fondly.

I let out an airy laugh at the comment. "I hope you're right."

"I'm always right!" He exclaimed, lightening the mood a bit. I smiled.

Maybe he was right. I let my head fall on his shoulder. We were basically a family.

"And if they don't support you they're heartless assholes." He said seriously.

I laughed. "Language, Minnie!"

"What! I've heard you say worse." He defended. I slapped my hand over his mouth. He giggled.

I sighed and removed my hand. "Thanks, Seungminnie. For always being there for me, and for everything you've done."

"Of course!" He smiled. "It's what you do for me." He shrugged.

"I'm still kind of nervous." I said honestly. "What if they hate me?"

"I said this before! It's impossible for them to hate you." He reassured. "I mean, who knows if they're straight or not?" He said with a shrug. To be honest, I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

I laughed at the possible joke. "I guess?"

"The point is, I know they'll love and support you no matter what." He said kindly, pulling me closer to him. "Jisung fought with most of us as trainees and made Y/N cry yesterday. But we still love him more than anything, right?" I nodded, he did have a point.

"I'm going to tell Y/N first." I said after a minute of silence. "It's not like she could be disgusted by me possibly liking her like the others could."

"Okay," Seungmin said calmly. "Should we call her to see if she wants to come over?" He asked, glancing at my phone sitting on the floor.

"Yeah, that works." I grabbed it and called her number.

Pick up. Pick up...

She answered. She said she was at a coffee shop and offered to get both Seungmin and me drinks. She also agreed to come over and then hung up.

"She's coming over ." I said, nervously looking at Seungmin for support.

"It'll be okay." He said, outstretching his arms, awaiting a hug.

I relaxed in his embrace, hugging him tightly. "I love you." I whispered into his shoulder.

"I love you too." He whispered back, giving me a squeeze. "And so do the other six, and even Y/N. They won't care if you like guys."

All I could do was try to believe him and hope for the best. I broke away from our hug and took a deep breath.

The doorbell rang, echoing throughout our dorm. "She's here." I looked to Seungmin who gave me a nod and a smile. I stood up on shaky legs.

I was going to come out to Y/N, and I doubted that I had the confidence to do it.


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