SICK (Han POV) 1/2

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Felix forced me to go shopping with him and Y/N. I guess it wasn't that bad, I mean we took some pretty funny pictures. I also even found some clothes, so it wasn't all a waste. AND Felix made me coffee.

Y/N and I were waiting for Felix to finish trying on his clothes by the dressing rooms. We were both scrolling on our phone boredly.

It was almost like something changed in me. Like I wasn't really acting myself. I couldn't control it when I started talking. "It's kind of weird how much you like Hyunjin." Y/N looked at me with an almost horrified expression, so I continued. "I mean seriously, aren't you like a teenager?" I questioned.

She laughed nervously. "No? I'm 24..." She acted confused, but I knew she understood what I was talking about. I even mentioned it at the sleepover. Why wasn't she getting it? None of it was real. It's all a twisted story.

I sighed, not giving up on the subject. "No, I don't mean your character Y/N. I mean you," I gestured towards her to exaggerate my point. "The reader. You're probably like 13 or something, and you're reading a story about Hyunjin because you're absolutely obsessed with him. That is not normal. No one your age should be doing that. It's on fucking wattpad for god's sake!" She seemed taken aback by my sudden break in character.

"I uhh..." she stuttered. "None of that's true... Are you feeling, okay? Maybe you should sit down." She guided me to the bench by the fitting rooms and pulled out her phone. She typed something quickly.

"Just take a few deep breaths, alright?" She exaggerated her breathing for me to follow.

What was she doing? She knew what I meant! Y/N's character is 24, not the real her!

The door opened to the fitting room Felix was in, breaking me out of my trance. He looked between us for a second. Before his eyes landed on Y/N.

"I got your text." He looked at me and softened his voice. "Are you okay?"

I stared at him in confusion. Why wouldn't I be, okay? "Huh?" I tilted my head to the side as I spoke. "Yeah, I think so..."

Felix looked back up at Y/N from where he was crouched in front of me. "You called Y/N a teenager..."

"What?" What was he saying? "No... I didn't?" I said it like a question. But obviously, I knew what I said. And it wasn't that. "She's 24. Why would I call her a teenager?" That time it was a question.

"You said my character is 24. But I'm not." She piped in, trying to get me to remember.

"What character?" I asked, still having no clue what was going on.

"I hoped you would know that." She said, sounding tired. "You're the one that said it."

"I don't think I said that though..." Why wouldn't they believe that I didn't say that?

"Okay, sorry Y/N-ah. I think we need to take this one home." Felix apologized with a slight frown. "Wanna come back with us?"

"Of course!" She beamed. "What did you think about that outfit? Are you going to get it?"

"Oh! Yeah, thanks for reminding me, I think I will." He smiled. "I'll show you at the dorm." She nodded.

"You ready to go?" He asked it like I was a kid that he was put in charge of. It didn't matter that it was only a day, I was still older. I nodded.

Felix flashed me a smile and grabbed my hand, leading us to the checkout. He and Y/N talked to the cashier a bit before purchasing their items and thanking the worker.

While walking out to the parking lot Felix brought up the interaction by the fitting rooms. "Do you have any idea what happened back there?"

There was just something about Felix. He rarely got mad, and if he did he was never violent or anything. That's what made him so inviting. He was so caring and kind.

Even when I was a trainee, and didn't necessarily deserve the kindness, he never really got angry with me. And if he did, he tried not to show it.

They both stared at me, awaiting an answer. "Oh, sorry. No, I just remember talking to Y/N and her urging me to sit and calm down." I paused, trying to recollect the moment. "But I can't quite figure out why."

He nodded like he understood but I could tell he was confused. "I got us an Uber," he started, changing the subject. "It should be here soon."

He looked up from his phone as a car pulled up. The three of us slid into the backseat. The ride back to the dorms was quiet. Felix was on his phone most of the drive, likely texting Chan. I pretended not to notice the worried glances they both threw my way every few minutes.

By the sound of it, Felix was on a phone call, asking none other than JYP, if I of all people could get a few days off. Because I was 'Sick'.

Once we were inside Chan was at my side. He asked Felix and Y/N a few questions, but I tuned them out. I was weirdly tired. Everyone was still in the cleaner of the two dorms. They seemed to have a cuddly pile of sorts in the living room. The faint sounds of a Christmas movie played in the background.

I walked to Minho's room, there were too many people. My head was pounding, and I was too lazy to go back to my dorm. I heard someone calling my name, but I ignored it. Footsteps soon followed the voice.

I fell onto Lino's bed, closing my eyes. Someone walked in. "Are you okay?" I recognized the voice. Minho. "Did something happen?"

I felt a cold hand on my forehead. I flinched away from the touch. "My head hurts." I mumbled quietly.

"Want some Advil?" Minho questioned. I nodded my head in response, and he left the room. I threw my arm over my eyes to block out the light.

There was some quiet conversation out in the living room. The second time Lee Know came into his room, someone followed.

"We got Advil. How do you feel?" Our leader asked, speaking softly.

"Everything hurts." I whispered, turning my face so it was hidden further into my arm.

"You're going to need to sit up for a second, is that okay?" Chan questioned. I groaned but reluctantly complied, leaning against Minho's headboard.

I opened my eyes and was met with Chan and Minho staring at me, faces full of concern. Minho handed me the pill bottle and a glass of water. I nodded in thanks as I took two of the tablets and downed the water.

"You need anything else?" Lino questioned; words laced with care.

"Mmm..." I hummed, giving it some thought. "Cuddles?" I asked in a tired voice, pouting slightly.

Chan smiled softly at Minho who sighed but gradually got in bed next to me. I shuffled closer to him, basking in the heat. He snaked an arm around my waist and gently pulled me closer, so my back was flush against his chest.

"Hope you feel better, Jisungie." Chan smiled as he turned off the light and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"I'm tired." I mumbled, melting into Minho's embrace. He hummed in response and laid his hand over mine, interlocking them. I slowly slipped into slumber.

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