Chapter 3

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I salamed as I entered the living and before I know it 2 little human beings were hugging me I looked down and saw Usman and Firdausi

"Oh my babies!" I beamed
"Let her come in at least" ya husna said going to the kitchen
"Ya nana" I yelled and crushed her into a bone crushing hug
"I miss you so much" she said breaking the hug
"Me too, ya jalil is keeping you all to him self, god he is so stingy!" I said while she chuckled
"Hey I heard that'' ya jalil said coming out of the kitchen with Khalil by his side
"Warrever" is said rolling my eyes
"Aunt" Khalil said
"Yes khalibae" I teased
"Urghhh aunty ziny stop calling me that I don't like you anymore" He said rolling his eyes while his parents laugh at their 7yrs old son
"Huh oh Khalil you broke my heart fa" I said feigning sadness
"Warrever" he said rolling his eyes while we chuckle
"Guys I need to freshen up" I said and left to my room

I got out of the shower and was about the rub cream on my body when sultan called and we talked about everything and nothing for hours until safiya came and told me its lunch time..I quickly rubbed cream on my now dried skin and sashayed into the closet to pick what to wear,I picked a purple abaya and headed downstairs there I saw everyone except ya zafeer we chatted and played some games

"Zinatu where is our in law" ya husna asked
"Which in law?" Ya jafar said
"You didn't know?" Ya Nana said while everyone in the room chuckled
"Nana please leave my zinat alone she is still a child right?'' Ya jafar asked
" um umm" I stammered and everyone laughed except ya jafar who isn't finding it funny
"Umm guys have you heard zainab is going to be affianced next week?" Safiya came to my save cause we all know how ya jafar can get
"Which zainab?'' Ya Nabil asked
" Zainab my best friend " I said
"Oh okay" he said sounding disappointed

Later that day everyone left to their various homes after dinner

I just finished dressing in my barbie pyjamas ..I bounced on my bed and tried calling sultans number but he was on another so I tried zainab's but she was also on another so I just decided to do my dua's and sleep

1 week later (zainab's engagement)

"Hey" I said to zainab
"Hi" she nervously answered
"How are you feeling'' I asked
" Anxious, nervous, scared, nauseous, light headed and the list goes on and on" she said all in one breath with a shaky voice
"Calm down everything is going to fine" I said with a smile
"Okay'' she said

I was dressed in an ash and pink umbrella gown with bell sleeves while zainab is wearing a brown fitted gown that compliment her honey like skin waiting for the arrival of the groom and his uncles

30 minutes later
" They are here!! " Kausar zainab's cousin said and I noticed how zainab tensed up
"Hey everything is gonna be alright"
She just nodded
10 minutes later mom came in
"The date has been set 3 months"she said with a smile
" Congrats " I said with a smile
"You should go and met him he is waiting for you'' mom said
" okay '' zainab said and left

Zainab called me telling me to come and met her fiancee I picked my small veil and covered my self and walked to the living room

I said my salam but stopped midway
"SULTAN!!" I said
"Wait how do you know each other?" Zainab asked
"He..h..he is su.s...sul...tan" I stammered
"Wait what?" Zainab asked looking at both of us
"Munchkin" sultan whispered
"Wait,whats going on, sultan tell me this isn't true you don't know her right?" Zainab asked her eyes have already started getting red
"Sultan answer me!!" She yelled

I just stood there rooted to my spot my mind went blank as in really blank I didn't know what was happening was I dream yes definitely it most be a dream right??

" you are marrying her?,what about us what did I do to deserve such betrayal!!'' I asked feeling angry and hurt

Sultan just looked at us and ran outside as if his heels were on fire without saying anything as if he weren't the one we were talking to as if he weren't the who betrayed me I mean us...why sultan just why

" YOU!" Zainab said

Oya na haffa I'm just imagining sultan running😹😹😹😹😹 as if his heels were on fire lols anyways see u in the next chapter

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