Chapter 15

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"Make sure you catch them whether dead or alive but leave the leader I want him alive starve them till I come back" I said into my phone

"Okay boss" came a reply from the other line

"Just give them water once daily I'm I understood" I muttered coldly

"Yes boss" the man replied and i hanged up the call

Just then I saw aira,zinatu,rahma,and safiya trying to sneak in from the back door

"Where the hell are you girls coming from" I shouted making them stop in their  track


Oh for goodness sake it's like he is every where

The girls froze on there spot and I could swear aira and sofi were shivering in fear

"Out" I replied simply

"And it's now you are returning by 10pm" he yelled

"Can you please stop yelling its 10pm some people are sleeping" rahma whisper-yelled

"Yes some people are asleep but i you guys are here partying around" he replied glaring at us

"Look we don't really have your time right now, girls let's go" I said walking into the house with the girls hot on my heels

"Ammi we are back" I said nervously

"So is now that you decided to come back" ammi eyed us

"No ammi ba haka bane (its not like that)" sofi said hugging her and she signalled us to join

"Yes ammi we are sorry" we all chorused still hugging her

"And besides we went looking for this'' I said handing her a jewelry box that contains a diamond necklace with her initials engraved on it

"Wow maa shaa Allah its so pretty" she muttered looking at it in awe

"And it will more more beautiful on your neck" rahma said taking the necklace from the box and putting in on ammi's neck

"Aww I love it girls" ammi giggled

"So all is forgiven" sofi grinned

"Urgh fine" ammi rolled her eye

"Yeee thanks so much" we chorused hugging her again

"But don't do ever do it again" she warned

"Yes ammi" we chorused yet again and left to our room

"Now I have to buy mom a new birthday gift" rahma groaned bouncing on her bed

"Well at least we didn't get scolded" aira replied

"Yeah that's what matters here" sofi added dumping her veil on the upper bunk

"And besides you still have time you have 4 whole months" I shrugged

"Yh speaking of birthdays yours is next week Thursday" sofi said making me do a mini dance

"I know right gonna be 19!" I danced

"Dad called and asked me what I want for my birthday present" I added making the girls to sit up

"I told him a trip to Egypt" I danced

"Wow we are going to Egypt" sofi said dancing

"No, I'm going to Egypt... ALONE" I replied

"What no" rahma said unbelievably

"What? yes you better believe it, its not like I need a babysitter and I want some time for myself" I shrugged leaving the room to get my self some water

"Hey" ayman's voice boomed in the kitchen which kinda scared me cause the only source of light is from the fridge making me choke on my water

"Whats wrong with you weirdo why are you creeping in the dark" I asked pissed off

"Woah sorry I just wanted to know about the conversation we had the other day in the kitchen" he replied

"Oh" I muttered rolling my eyes

"So...were you serious" he asked raising a brow

"No I was not" I said sarcastically

"Humm" he hummed

"I'm am serious" I said Turing to face him

"Really" he asked

"Yup" I nodded

"Cool so now we are dating" he asked

"Sure" I faked a smile which he took as a real one

"Then your number" he asked

I gave him and went to 'our'  room seriously speaking I hate this room I just want a room for myself wallahi

I think am gonna tell ammi I want my own room since there is enough room in the house

I layed down on my bunk and scrolled through WhatsApp

Just then an unknown number popped up and I know is ayman so I saved his number as 'Test Subject'

T: hey

I replied and exited the app went to Instagram and watch many reels till I started falling asleep

Next day

I first cleared my throat gaining ammi's attention

"Umm ammi I want a room for myself" I said immediately the girls all looked at me as if I have grown two heads

"Is anything wrong dear" ammi asked concerned

"No not really I just need privacy and I want to be alone" I replied with a smile

"Okay i will tell the maids to prepare a room for you" ammi replied

"Thanks'' I thanked

" don't mention " she smiled

"Sis z we are leaving tomorrow and we haven't gone shopping" zahra pouted

"Lil z am so sorry but we can't go shopping but we will go for ice cream instead" I replied cause am not in the mood for shopping even going out for the ice cream its cause I promised her

"Can I join ya zinatu" ilham asked with puppy eyes

"Oh of course I can't say no to you" I replied tapping her nose and she giggled

"We should go right now" zahra said

"No finish your breakfast first" aira's mom said

"But mom-"

"Even if you finish breakfast we will not go till 2" I cut her off

"Fine" she muttered

I nodded and left the dining room to the garden

"Hey dear" Iman said smiling

Oh how I wish I can strangle him stupid Italian man who gave him the right to call me dear mstwwwww

"What" I answered my face neutral

"How is the love of my life doing" he asked

I'm suppose to be feeling butterflies in my stomach but I actually feel puking on his face

"Fine" I fake smiled

"So are you gonna miss me when I leave" he asked

As if

"Yes" I said sounding like a sweetheart

"Me too babe" he replied and I mentally puked

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