Chapter 21

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The Nile Ritz Carlton Airport

Immediately I was dropped at Cairo international airport I spotted the driver ya zafeer ordered for me and I heaved a sigh of relieve cause am so jet lagged
The driver welcomed me and I responded with a nod as I slid into the back sit.He finished loading my stuffs in the booth of the car and we zoomed off
Maa shaa Allah Egypt is so beautiful wallahi, I took out my phone snapped some pics and did some streaks of the city through the window and posted them on my social media accounts captioning ''I'm finally here!"
I called mom and dad to thank them again and by the time the call ended we have arrived at a hotel?

Just then my phone rang and it was ya zafeer

Me;why am I at a hotel

Z;sorry I have been so busy I forgot to check for an apartment for us, so you have to stay there for a couple of days

Me;hmm okay,but where are you staying at

Z;am at the base

Me;oh okay

Z;take care,I have already booked a room for you am going to give you a tour of the city tomorrow in shaa Allah

Me;okay good night


The gigantic building screams nothing but money and elegance every corner of the hotel exudes sophistication and draws everyone's attention to the building, surely ya zafeer has spent a lot of money on this but who cares he got a lot of cash

I proceeded to the lobby which is adorned with sparkling chandeliers, marble floors, plush sofas,intricate artworks and by the left there is grand staircase leading to upper floors.The grand entrance showcases towering columns,a red carpet fit for royalty and cascading waterfall.Rich individuals coming in and out,indeed only this caliber of people can truly make it here,no doubt.As I trudged further into the spacious entrance, I was met with other guests check in and out.I quickly made my to the receptionist who is wearing a blue and white uniform,after exchanging a few details with the receptionist who quickly checked out a few things on his Macbook before giving out a card for the room ya zafeer booked. I thanked him and made my way to the elevator

"Oh my Allah" that was the first thing I said as I entered the room Maa shaa Allah its so beautiful,the room is a master piece of design,with soft linens,stunning city views and let's not forget about the sumptuous bed

I took my time admiring the room before going to the bathroom to take a hot shower and get ready for bed

By the time I was done it was already 11pm,so I bounced on the fluffy bed,did my duas and before you can say lights out I have already fallen asleep.


Beep beep beep beep

My alarm clock woke me up,I lazily raised my hand and turned it off.I searched for my phone and found it on the edge of the bed,even the smallest type of breeze can make it fall to the ground

So I slowly made my way to it as I was about to grab it,it started vibrating and fell off

"Shit you have got to be kidding me" I cursed as I picked my phone from the ground, it was ya zafeer calling so I called back

He told me to get ready he will be here in an hour or so

I quickly took a shower, brushed my teeth, packed my braided hair and did some make up

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