Chapter 5

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I slowly opened my eyes just to meet 3 pairs of eyes on me!

"Alhamdullilah she is awake" mummy said
"How are you feeling zinu" safiya asked
"Do you feel pain anywhere" ya Nabil asked

"Alhamdullilah am feeling better, I don't feel any pain" I said while trying to sit up on the bed with the help of ya Nabil

"Here take this" mummy handed me a cup of water
"Thank you" I said with a small smile
"Safiya told us everything"mummy said

I glared at safiya and the said girl lowered her head

" sabr(patience) sabr dear" mummy said with a small smile

"Its okay mummy qadara ce (its my faith)" I said with a small smile

"That's why I love you" she said and hugged mr soon enough safiya and ya Nabil joined

"Have some rest okay" mommy said

"Okay mom" I said

"Is my company needed" safiya asked with a nervous smile

"Not really" I said

"Oh okay" she said sounding disappointed..after they left I cried and promise myself to change I will stop being the naïve zinatu! And never love someone as though my life depends on it I promised myself to stop loving a person wholeheartedly, I promised my self to never get attached to anybody.. And so this begins my new life

2 weeks later


"Mummy am worried about zinatu" I said
"Same" mummy said sounding worried
"She hardly comes out of her,she hardly talks to me and ya Nabil mummy its like she is living in another universe" I said pacing
"I don't know what to do I have tried everything to get her back to her normal self but all in vein" mummy said sounding sad just then we heard dad and ya Nabil salams we answered and continued talking about how to get zinatu back

"I got it!" Ya Nabil yelled

"Really" I asked

"Yeah let's take her to Italy for a week then go to cousin rahma's house that is in Dubai maybe she just needs a change of environment" ya Nabil said

"I never knew I gave birth to a brilliant son" mummy beamed while ya Nabil dusted the invisible dust off his shoulder's

"I know right" baba also beamed

"Oya lemme go and tell her" I said excitedly


I was reading a novel on wattpad since I have disappeared from social media completely cause my ex best friend kept spreading rumors about me that I don't even wanna think about it now

When suddenly safiya barged into the room with a salam or knocking  what if I was naked fa?? I asked my self

"What is it" I said sounding annoyed

"Well miss grouchy pack your luggages cause we are flying to Italy and staying there for 5 days then we are gonna fly to Dubai!!! And live there for a while at your favorite cousins place" safiya beamed

"Haha nice try I don't believe you one bit" I said getting back to my novel (love and crosses) even though author doesn't like updating frequently but its still nice

"Am not lying fa Kala(look)" she shoved her iPhone 12 in my face

"I can't see anything" I said and she gave me the phone and true to her words we were really going to Italy and Dubai

"Oh my god" i said looking at her
"Oh my god" safiya repeated
"OH MY GOD" safiya and i shouted the same time while jumping on the bed

"We are going to Italy" I beamed
"Yes we are" ya Nabil said out of nowhere
"You and who" baba asked
"Me and them na" ya Nabil said in a whiney voice
"Boy you ain't going nowhere you staying with your mama" mummy said making all of us burst into laughter for a moment there I forgot about everything

"Thank you so much daddy" I hugged him
"So now that I bought you plane tickets its am no longer typical baba ahbi?" Baba said making everyone burst into laughter

1 week later
"I'm gonna miss you guys so much" I said as my eyes welled up with unshed tears

"Same baby" mummy said while hugging me

"Babaaaa" I called in teasing way but a tear slipped my eye

"Zinu naa" he said with a sad smile

"I will miss you" I said and hugged him
"Madam don't break my husband" mummy said making every chuckle

I hugged ya Nabil and said final goodbyes to everyone and boarded the plane....

Italy zinatu is coming be aware I said in my mind and chuckled to my craziness

We got seated and I turned to the window while safiya watched a movies

New me,new city,new country,no more love,no being naïve,don't let anyone look down on you! I gave my self a pep talk before drifting to lala land

Su zinatu za'a je Italy hehe oya na
Buh bye

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