Chapter 45

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Authors POV
10 hours later
In the hospital garden

The wind caresses her skin as Zina walked shoulder to shoulder with Mahmoud besides,she woke up an hour ago but refused to talk to anyone but she said and I quote 'I want to spend some time alone, with Mahmoud' everyone was shocked but didn't say anything and respected her wishes

They found a bench and sat there,each of them were occupied with different thoughts

''Ayman is dead right?" Zina asked after ten minutes of silence which she enjoyed

"May Allah reward him for all the good things he did" Mahmoud prayed not giving her a straight answer

"Amin" Zina replied as she stared down at hands, she tries to hold everything in but all the pain slit through her skin, and daggers kept wounding heart. She feels her throat close up from wanting to sob aloud, she refuses to cry aloud but the more she cries silently the more it hurts.Hot tears started to glide down her cheeks and she can't seem to stop them, they are uncontrollable and unstoppable

Ayman; her mind kept screaming his name like a mantra

Mahmoud was confused on what to do as he watched his wife's body shake violently as she cries for her not-so-deceased lover, as much as he would like her to shut up and stop crying he can't disobey his elders wishes, more like his mother's wishes

So he did what every man would, he hugged her even though he isn't a hugger

Zina felt to strong arms around her petite body and his manly cologne entered her nostrils making her sigh in relief

The hug was uncomfortable at first but then she circled her arms around his waist, she heard him freeze for a few seconds but quickly regained his composure

She cried and cried and cried on his broad chest like there is no tomorrow, his shirt was drenched in her tears, but he didn't mind, she should get it all it right now; Mahmoud thought as he patted her head in a not-so- affectionate way, he is really bad at this; Zina thought as she smiled a little through her tears

She broke the hug and whimpered at the sudden loss of contact

"Thank you, I know you might have been wondering why I said I needed to be alone with you" Zina said making Mahmoud nod even though he really doesn't care

"You are the quite type, you don't poke your nose into other peoples business unlike my family, the moment I return home they would keep asking me if I'm fine, looking at me with pitiful eyes and I hate that" Zina spat angrily

"I've already started dreading it" Zina sighed as she held her face with her two hands

"And who told you that you will be returning home?"Mahmoud asked as he looked ahead,its better for her to know right now and cry her eyeballs again,you can't break an already broken heart can you?;Mahmoud asked himself

"When do you mean" Confusion written all over her face as she raised a brow

''Have forgotten that you are married'' Mahmoud shifting his gaze to her

"Wait! I'm married? They still pushed through with the wedding?" Zina asked stupefied and Mahmoud nodded his head making her snort

"Then why hasn't my so called husband come to visit me?" Zina asked picking up the dried up leaf that landed on lap

"Because you are talking to him right now" the moment Mahmoud uttered those words her head immediately snapped to side, and one could swear they heard a crack because of the way she quickly turned

"You!" Zina shouted making a few of the patients and visitors to look at her and she quickly mumbled an apology

"Why" Zina asked again making Mahmoud shrug his shoulders

"I don't know, ammi was saying something about her not wanting to die before seeing my wife and all'' Mahmoud replied

"I don't even know what to feel" Zina mumbled as she played with her fingers

"Zina I love you please take care of yourself, live a happy life with Mahmoud,be an obedient and caring wife and name your child after me" That's when ayman's last words came to her mind, how could I have not figured that out, he said live a happy life with Mahmoud; Zina thought as tears started to well up in her eyes,just thinking of her beloved makes her want to rip her heart out and bury it

"Don't worry yourself about it, we might be married but we will live like acquaintances and you won't be seeing me more often" Mahmoud said as he stood up

"Hum" Zina just hummed, her mood has already dampened

"Oh and while I'm away, please don't try to kill yourself or anything like that, I'm very sure you knew its haram" Mahmoud said walking ahead, he doesn't want to be painted as the bad husband that led to his wife's death

"Don't worry, I won't" Zina mumbled quietly as she followed behind him


The sound of various machines echoed in the room alongside aira's cries, Fatima just stared at her brother, her eyes were hallow and void of any emotion

There laid Ayman's paled body, the color of his skin has drained away making him look like a sheet of paper, his pink lips chapped and his face looks serene

"Bro ayman, please wake up I promise not to disturb you ever again" Fatima said as she clutched to her brothers cold hand but not even a twitch was seen

"Aira, Fatima you guys are still here? You didn't eat lunch and it's dinner time'' ammi said,her eyes were red and puffy due to how she cries her self to a dreamless sleep everyday

"Yes ammi" Aira answered quietly,her eyes were also red and puffy just like ammi's, she has also lost a lot of weight

"Come on let's go,fatima dear come let's go leave your brother to rest" Ammi instructed as she stretched her hands forward for Fatima to hold it

Fatima has been more calm and more quiet, she barely speaks 10 words a day, but when she is around ayman she would tell him all about her day

But whats worrying ammi and aira is that Fatima hasn't cried at all and is always staring into space....

Hello wattpaders!
How was the character😹
I take god beg you guys😙
Please vote for the sake of your creator

Istg it's not easy writing! You have to crack your brain and write on an empty blank page

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