Chapter 30

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Hi guys am sorry about the confusion but this is the real chapter 30,i didn't finish writing when I published it I thought I was done Do read there are some changes

Authors POV

It's been a week since zinat moved to Adnan's crib and all is going well she fitted in just perfectly, her,aisha and Layla became the best friends well she is more close to Aisha more than layla because Aisha is funny,reasonable,talkative and she Is a foodie! She is just so bubbly and jovial like Adnan unlike Layla who is more calm,matured,hot tempered,snobish and a bookworm and she has a crush on Mahmoud but non the less her and zinat get along well

Today being Sunday everyone was at home except Adnan's dad who is a pilot

The three girls were watching a Korean drama 'Tale of the nine tailed' when they heard the door bell ring

"Ya Adnan please get the door" a'ish shouted as she saw her brother coming out of the kitchen

"Okay" Adnan replied as he jogged to the door and opened

"Salam" the man outside greeted

"Wa salam,how can I help you" Adnan asked with a small smile and a raised brow

"Yes,is this where Zinatu Aminu Bashir is staying" the man asked back with a serious face

"Umm yeah,who are you,how do you know her and why are you looking for her" Adnan asked all in one go getting suspicious of the man

"I'm Zafeer Aminu Bashir,her brother, my parents sent me to bring her back to Nigeria, thank you for all you have done for my sister but we have a flight to catch so call her'' ya zafeer said in a very stoic face and voice,not to mention his uniform that added to his stoic demeanor

"Okay, I will go get her" Adnan said closing the door

He entered the kitchen and called Mahmoud

"What do you want am busy, I don't have time for your shenanigans" that was the first thing Mahmoud said as he picked up the call

"It's about zina,her parents sent her brother to pick her up" Adnan whispered ignoring his friends attitude

"And so..." Mahmoud asked as he continued signing some documents

"Is that all you are going to say, she clearly doesn't want to go back to Nigeria" Adnan whisper-yelled getting angry with his friends nonchalant attitude

"Look Adnan,i know you like zaira-"

"Zina not zaira" Adnan corrected as he glared at the wall in front of him imagining it was Mahmoud

"Okay zina, she needs to be with her family Adnan you can't keep her here forever sooner or later she needs to go back to her country and stay with her family, she is still under her parents Adnan and they can accuse you of kidnapping their daughter" Mahmoud reasoned


"Adnan just hand her over to her family,her mom most be worried sick she hasn't seen her daughter in ages" Mahmoud interrupted what his friend was about to say, to be honest Mahmoud just wants the girl out of their lives for good! He didn't care about her and her family

"You are right" Adnan sighed as he rubbed his temples

"Good oh and I'm close to tracking her down! I can't wait to hug her I swear "Mahmoud said with a huge grin

"Really! Wow maa shaa Allah I'm so happy for you bro,keep me updated when you have found her please" Adnan replied truly happy for his friend

"Sure man" and with that Mahmoud ended the call

He peeked at the living room and saw all of them were decent before going to the door

"Come in, she is in the living room follow my lead" Adnan said to ya zafeer and lead him to the living room avoiding the lump in his throat

"Ya Adnan who is at door" Layla asked without looking his way

"Zina's brother" upon hearing what Adnan said they all turned their heads to his direction ignoring the cheesy scene that was playing on the TV

The colors from zinat's face drained making her as white as paper she stared at her brother wide agape

"Zinatu lets go you don't need to pack" ya zafeer said ignoring the people in the room and grabbed his sister's hand

"Hey excuse me where do you think you are going with her'' Layla said glaring at ya zafeer who just ignored it her and dragged his sister out

"Leave me alone! I don't want to go with you! All of you guys are liars" zinat struggled out of his hold but he held her tighter

"You heard her leave her alone" aisha shouted making ummi(Adnan's mom) come outside

"What's happening her" she asked as she stared mouth agape

"This mad man just barged in claiming to be zina's brother and is taking her back to Nigeria" Layla explained to her mother

While all this drama was going on Adnan just stood by the side and watched them

"Adnan do something she clearly doesn't want to go" ummi said pointing at zinat who was shoved into the car and was a crying mess

"Mom I can't do anything they are her real family" Adnan said as he consoled Aisha who was shedding tears

"I'm grateful for all the care you have showered my sister with but we must leave now excuse us" with that ya zafeer entered his car and drove away leaving the family to grieve over zina's absence

"Ya zafeer let me go this instance" zinat shouted but he didn't pay any attention to what she said and soon enough she gave up and fell asleep

"Zinat wake up we are going to be late for our flight" ya zafeers voice woke her up

She got on the plane without saying a word to him

"Would you like anything to eat" ya zafeer asked when they took off but she just ignored him and continue looking out the window

"Did you put your phone on airplane mode" he asked making her realise her new phone is in her sweatpants pocket

She put it on airplane mode and started reading a novel on wattpad,she was so engrossed in her novel that she forgot ya zafeer was sitting next to her until he spoke

"New phone I can see, where did you get it" ya zafeer asked trying to start a conversation but she ignored him

Adnan bought her an iPhone 14 when she moved in with them but she kindly declined the phone but after much persuasion from the family she collect it after thanking him for more than a million time

Zina yawned as she stared feeling sleepy, she adjusted her position and drifted off to la la land a land full of peace and happiness...

Nigeria here she comes😂
How was the chapter??


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