Chapter 17

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Author's POV

"Who is fadil" aira asked with a raised brow

"According to her, he is her best friend wai but I think there is something going on between them" rahma replied changing the channels with the TV remote

"What about khaleel then, I really want them to be together right zinatu" she turned to zinat's direction

"Nah I don't really care who she is with as long as my sister is happy" zinatu replied her attention focused on her phone cause she can't wrap her head around what she just saw

It seems to be a picture of sultan and zainab now that's not what bothered her what bothered her is that its seems as though they snapped the picture at burj khalifa

Nah it can't be

Her inner voice echoed

What if they are really here

Her negative inner voice pitched in

So she stood up to go and ask sofi since she knows fadil must know, he is zainab's only brother after all

"Hey sofi is zainab in Dubai" she asked

"Yeah, fadil just told me" safiya replied sounding down

"Okay'' she shrugged and went to her room smiling mischievously

Sultan POV

I found out that zinatu has relocated to Dubai when she activated her Instagram account again, I followed her with a fake account and saw her stories and highlight looks like she's living the life while am here suffering her loss

So I decided to fly here with my 7 months pregnant wife zainab and asked a man to take a picture of zainab and I, and I must admit the pic looked as if we were a real couple in love

Little did they know, I posted it and by now am sure she has viewed since its been 5hrs

I booked a hotel for us to stay at since we don't know anyone in Dubai

"What's wrong" I asked zainab worriedly cause I saw her wincing in pain

"My feet hurts" she replied and I helped her to the bed

I hate zainab that's for sure but I will never hurt an innocent child which is mine

''Get some rest don't do anything that will harm my baby, if something happens to him make sure you disappear from the surface of the earth" I warned and she nodded tears streaming down her face

"S-sul-ltan am hu-n-gry" she stammered still in tears

"Uban wa ya ce kar ki ci abin ci lokanci da muka fita (who said you shouldn't eat when we went out)" I yelled and used to intercom to order room service

"Me kike so (what do you want to eat)" I asked hissing

"Pizza da spaghetti and meatballs" she croaked

"Kuma wallahi ki cinye kar ki min asaran kudi (by Allah you should finish it fun by waste my money)" I warned and she nodded

I picked my towel and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower

By tomorrow am going to start looking for my little munchkin in shaa Allah,I missed so her very much

I got ready for bed and hopped on it, zainab is already fast asleep

I can't wait for tomorrow, with the thoughts of zinatu on my mind I fell asleep with a smile

I have been hearing sobs in my sleep for the past 15 minutes I chose to ignore it but I can't anymore

"What is it, why are you crying, is my baby alright"I asked all in one go

"I want to eat Dan wake" she wailed

"Yanzo Dan Allah (for Allah's sake) where do want me to get dan wake we are in Dubai not Nigeria can't you use your brain" I shouted

"Babyn ka ne ke so ya ce (its your child that wants to eat) can I at least have some chicken wings, lasagna and chocolate chip cookies" she asked wiping her tears but they just keep on rolling down her cheeks

"Fine" I checked the time and saw its 2am

If not for my baby I swear to god I would have killed her for interrupting my peaceful slumber

"Slow down, you are eating as if you have never eaten in your life" I glared irritated by the way she is eating

"Sorry it just tastes so good" she apologized taking a bit of her lasagna

"But I still wished I had some dan wake" she pouted her eyes brimming with tears

"Ni dai (idk how to translate it) let me sleep in peace" I said covering my self with the duvet and turning of the the side lamp besides me

"Sultan do you want a boy or a girl" she sniffed

"I don't really care as long as its healthy but I will love to have a girl" I smiled

"Me too" she replied "Good night" she added and switched off the lamp beside her

Zainab POV

Yay am pregnant note to sarcasm I hate this stupid baby in me, I didn't want to have a child with this monster the thought of having a part of him growing in me makes me want to commit suicide
But Alhamdullilah he hasn't beaten me since I told him am pregnant, he loves the baby, so for that sake I didn't try to abort the baby

I look so ugly, my nose is bigger, i look like a huge cow due to my pregnancy

I don't even want to see the she devil we are having, yes its a she but he doesn't know.

We came to Dubai to find my long lost best friend

Note to sarcasm

That bitch, I still hate her, we came all the way from Nigeria to Dubai just because of her, I should have hired some riots at her house so that she got stabbed but I'm not that wicked

She moved to away and I thought that's the end of all my troubles, but alas my trouble always follows me every where I go

By now you might think I hate sultan right but no my stupid heart yearns for its attention and love, I still believe that one day he will love me, and I hope he will change the way he treats me after giving birth to his child.

School is resuming no more updates til further notice!!!!
I know the chapter has many POV's its just that I had a writers block

So what do you think about the chapter?

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