Chapter 43

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The Wedding Day
Authors POV
Aminu Bashir Residence

The house was fill to brim! Different people were busy running up down,the young females were all decked up with heavy make-up and small children were running around with different  drinks,some were already eating and chatting away.The signature aroma of the party jollof that stems from deliberate burning of the rice and the use of fire wood in the open-air cooking process makes the mouth of the guest to water, other dish's were served, like masa,tuwon shinkafa da miyan taushe,moi-moi,sinasir and small chops which include, spring rolls,samosa,donuts,kebab and buns as for drinks, there was kunun aya,zobo,fanta,coke and so on

Upstairs in Sofi's room was were the make up artists were busy dolling up the two brides, rahma was busy snapping pictures of Zina even though Zina clearly isn't jolly unlike sofi who is all smiles

"Haba Zina, please smile" rahma pouted at her cousin who was busy sulking

"Rahma I don't feel to well" Zina truthfully confess she feels as though something bad is going to happen to today

"It's just wedding jitters don't worry kinji" yusrah, sofi's friend assured Zina who was tilting her head to the right so that the make-up artist will apply blush to her face

"Uhum" Zina hummed tired of talking and tilting her head in different directions

"Um I just want a simple make up please, I told you that before we began but you have been caking my face for the past 1 hour now" Zina complained as she looked at her make-up artist through the mirror

"Haba Zina ki-"

"I'm done" the make-up artist announced cutting off sofi who was about to start nagging her sister

"Alhamdulilah" Zina said as she stood up and from the chair that was causing her butt to hurt

"Aww Maa shaa Allah, wallahi you look so beautiful I'm sure your groom won't be able to look away from you" Rahma cooed as she snapped million pictures of Zina in one go

"Gaskiya kam kinyi kyau (honestly you beautiful)" one of Sofi's many friend complimented making Zina to smile a little at their kind words.Just then mama barged into the room looking so Maa shaa Allah in her pink and ash lace sewed into bubu

"Kun gama-kai Zina Maa shaa Allah kinyi kyau sosai wallahi, Allah yayi miki albraka (Are you guys done-wow Zina Maa shaa Allah you look so beautiful I swear, May Allah bless you)" Mama teared up as hugs her daughter

Surely Zina is the best daughter ever and her favorite,even though she doesn't want to the wedding she still went along with it just to make me happy. Oh ya Allah thank you for blessing me with a good child; mama silently thanked her creator

"Mama za ki sani kuka fa (mama you are going to make me cry)" Zina croaked as she looked up to avoid the the tears that were threatening to glide down her cheeks and ruin her make-up

There is no way I'm going to sit down and let that make-up artist redo it; Zina thought

"Oh don't worry you can cry all you want the make-up is waterproof" The artist chuckled

"Oh ni Khadija na shiga uku! Safiya wai har yanzo ba'a gama miki ba(I'm in trouble! safiya up til now you guys aren't done)" Mama exclaimed as she looked at sofi with hands in akimbo

"Mama an kunsa (we are almost done)" sofi nervously chuckled as she closed her eyes so that the make-up artist will apply some eyeshadow to her eyes

"Uhmm Allah bada sa'a, Zina ki je dakin zafeer za ki ga gown din ke, na ke ne fitted one kinsani koh (Uhmm good luck,Zina go to zafeers room you will see your gown, yours is the fitted one you know right)" Mama said as she turned her attention from sofi to Zina who nodded her head

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