Chapter 26

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~some.villains are.simply victims.whose story.hasn't been told


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I woke up from my little nap and checked the clock that was hanged above my bed and it read 4:25 I quickly jumped off my bed and headed to the bathroom to perform ablution so that I can pray

I was done praying and was flooding the prayer mat I found on the drawer when my stomach grumbled loudly signifying that I was hungry, that was when I remember I hadn't eaten since morning

I took the elevator to the last floor and started heading to the kitchen, that's when I remembered this isn't my house I don't know where the kitchen is, so I decided to ask one of the many guards that were standing still like a statue where the kitchen is

"Umm..hi can please direct me to the kitchen" I asked the guard with a little smile

"Head straight forward and you will see it on your left" he replied with an expressionless face,I mumbled a soft 'thanks' to him and headed to the kitchen

I said a soft taslim as I entered the kitchen and a husky voice answered  without a doubt it's Mahmoud

"Hi how are you" I asked but he ignored me and gulped down the bottle of water that was in his hand

"Am zinat bashir aminu, and you are?'' I tried again but he still ignored me and started looking for something in the fridge

"Look I know we stared on the wrong foot and all but can try to be civil" I reasoned and I heard him sigh

"Look zina am only allowing you to stay for a day or two, so don't get your hopes high" he replied picking up a plate from the cupboard

"No please I don't have anywhere to go, please just give me a job I will do anything" I begged desperately and he scoffed

"What makes you think you can work for me, do you know what I do for a living" he asked raising a brow, I must admit he is so handsome

''No I don't" I replied looking at floor

"But please-"

"No that's my final answer, there is some Mac and cheese in the microwave that I warmed feel free to help your self, and I also told my men to buy you a few clothes you can find it in your temporary room" he said leaving without waiting for my reply, he is so full of himself

I fetched the food from the microwave and went to living room, I sat down on the rug and found the TV remote, I scrolled for some minutes before deciding to watch E!

It was airing keeping up with the kardashians making me focus solely on the TV, on this particular episode khloe is about to give birth so she is flying to Cleveland cause that's where she wants to give birth,I prefer khloe more than the other sisters because she is someone that says what's always on her mind, she is open and outspoken.

But am not a die hard fan of keeping up with the kardashians I just watch it when am bored

Mahmud's POV

I can't believe I let that zina girl come with me, how can I be so calm about her what if she is spy sent by my enemies?

She doesn't look like one; my heart replied

Yes she is beautiful but it can still be a trap; my brain taunted

Making me yell out of frustration thank Allah that the all the rooms are soundproof, I decided to call on of the best investigator in my contact list and he picked up on the first ring as if he was waiting for my call

"Mahmoud how have you been,two days" his voiced boomed through my phone speakers, did I forget to mentioned he is a close friend of mine?

"Alhamdullilah I am fine rayan, how are you" I asked

"Alhamdullilah I am also fine, to what do I owe this pleasure" rayan inquired

"I want you to do a background check on someone for me" I said in a serious tone sitting on my bed

"Okay who might that be" he replied in a serious tone as well

"Her name is Zinat Bashir Aminu" I said twirling the pen that I am holding

"Can you get it done in the next 2 hours" I added feeling more curious

"Yeah sure man I will get back to you as soon as am done" rayan assured before cutting the call

I took a shower and went downstairs I have to keep an eye on her she might be a spy

The girl that am doubting was watching a kids show on Nickelodeon called 'spongebob' and was laughing so hard that she had to clutch to her stomach

She was so focused on the cartoon that she didn't even notice me, so I clears my throat to gain her attention but it didn't work so I tried again but still didn't work her mind was just focused on the TV

I decided to cough very loudly and that caught her attention

"Oh Mr.Mahmoud I didn't notice you there" she turned her attention to me for a second before resuming her cartoon

"How do you know my name" I asked shocked but I hid it well,if she isn't a spy how did she know my name?

"Oh firdausi told me earlier'' she shrugged her eyes still glued to TV

"Okay... Ms. Zina tell me about yourself '' I asked wanting to know if she will tell me the same thing that will be on the background check I asked rayan to conduct

''Okay.... Am Zinat as you know am 19 years old, am from Nigeria I use to study at Nile University before I relocated to dubai from there I came to Egypt" she replied

"what about your family" I asked again and I heard her sigh, she turned to my direction and locked eye contact with me before she began

''I lied to you, my family is definition of almost perfect everyone loves each other, no one hits anyone we live happily ever after, the reason why I lied to you is because my brother was going to take me back to Nigeria because I had this huge fight with them.... " she sighed massaging her temples

"What caused the fight" I asked, I must admit am a bit angry at her for lying to me but I can't shout at her or scare her cause of her mental health problem

Don't get me wrong is not like I care about her or anything, Adnan told me take it easy with her

''they hid that I had bipolar disorder for 4 months without telling me, I mean isn't it my right to know since it's my body!" she said raising her voice

"Okay calm down I understand" I said trying to calm her down and she huffed in annoyance

"Am not crazy and I don't want your pity" she replied rolling her eyes and left the living room

How is the chapter??
Please give me some of your thoughts about the book!!
Am starting to think it's a waste of time wallahi

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