Chapter 8

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I was having difficulty falling asleep so I stepped out to get some air

I found a bench and sat on it and looked up to watch the stars...

The stars are the most beautiful things ever well not as beautiful as the moon..Maa shaa Allah the moon is so pretty, I smiled while stargazing at the moon thinking of how my life will be in Dubai

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned and saw sofi, my smile quickly disappeared without any trace of it

Why must she come and ruin my alone time anger and sadness surged through my veins

"I have been looking for you why did you just leave like that" she asked fixing her scarf

"Cause I owe nobody an explanation especially my little sister" I said rolling my eyes

"Hmm" she hummed

"Sorry for my outburst" I said feeling guilty

"Its okay" she said with a small smile

"I'm feeling sleepy let's go" I said stretching my hands so we could walk hands in hands to our room

We arrived at hotel room and I went straight to the bathroom to take a bath and perform ablution, came out wore my nighties,bounced on the bed then read suratul mulk before finally drifting into lala land with thoughts of going to Dubai tomorrow (actually today since its past midnight)

United emirates,
UEA Air lines,

We just got off the plane and were waiting for our cousin to come pick us up

"Ya hamza!" I heard sofi squeal

'Sofia the first" he replied excitedly and they did their secret hand shake how can they even remember the pattern of the handshake its been 3 years since they saw each fa my inner self said while I just rolled my eyes its as if he couldn't see me warrever I said

"Zinat how are you" he asked with a smile

"Hungry and tired please do lead the way" I said in a bored tone

"Okay ma" he mock saluted while sofi chukled

Emirates hills

I started saying my salam when suddenly a loud squeal interrupted it and within a blink of an eye I was enveloped in a bone crushing hug

"I missed you so much" Rahma my cousin said

We used to be best friends before they moved to Dubai after her dad got transferred

"I missed you too" I replied with smile

"Maama(rahma) won't you let her come in properly" she said in a warning tone

"Assalamu'alaikum ammi" I said with a grin while crushing the woman in a hug

Ammi(hajiya aliyah)

"Wa'alaikisalam habibty khyfa haluk ( how are you)"

"Alhamdullilah Ana bi khair, wal ant (All praises be to Allah am fine, and you?)" I asked

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